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Category: Officer Resources
Repair Policy
Members should never attempt to repair a tool or machine without contacting either the team in charge or staff Are approved before done by the team or staff They are done by an approved team of at least 2 people Are documented Must be signed off on by somebody not on the repair team
How to request access to Ace Plaforms
Need an Ace admin to get you access to a platform like Grand Central, Azure, or a personal Wiki account? There are two ways you can request access. If possible please give at least 24-48 (T-Sa) hours to process the request. If you have asana access If you have asana access, create a task to …
How to take drop in fees and donations with Square
We have a Square Reader. It is connected to the Ace Account! You use it with your phone or a tablet to take sliding scale or “by donation” event fees for Ace Makerspace. It is located in the Operation Resource Center in Coworking/Textiles. Please return it to the charger when done. Make sure the device …
Recording Bills
What: This article explains the steps for recording invoices so that vendors can get paid in a timely manner. Who: Treasurer, MonsterCorps, Officers Why: We need to ensure billing records are stored properly for at least three years and we want to avoid paying vendors late. Pre-Steps Most often, bills are approved by the Executive Director …
Proposals for major purchasing
Major purchasing for the purposes of this conversation is anything over $300 What should be included A well-drafted proposal should answer core questions leadership and members would have about the idea or item being proposed. Questions the officers and board will always have are: What is your base rationale for this spending? How does the …
Rolling out New Policies
Shifting culture or supporting folks to behave differently is best done intentionally for success. The tips below can help teams and staff at ACE Makerspace be successful with effective new policy communication. These are not tips for crafting policy… just for communicating and implementing policy. Make sure there is a wiki page with details on …
Protected: Grants Management
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Process Payroll
Getting Started You will need: access to 1Password credentials of: Paypal (depending) Process Gusto Open a new tab on your browser & login to using the credential for [email protected] Click Time and Attendance from the sidebar Select the closed or current payroll period and click the button labeled Review & sync. Do not …
Program Planning for Grants
Program Planning for Grants Title Description Provide a high-level explanation of the project or program. Statement of Need Why should the funder invest in this? How will this improve the community you are serving? Which problems will this solve? Budget Summary Include line items and the total. If requesting donated equipment or other goods, note …