How to take drop in fees and donations with Square

We have a Square Reader. It is connected to the Ace Account! You use it with your phone or a tablet to take sliding scale or “by donation” event fees for Ace Makerspace. It is located in the Operation Resource Center in Coworking/Textiles. Please return it to the charger when done.

Make sure the device has the Square App installed

Steps to Use

  1. Turn on the device Bluetooth
  2. Start the Square App
  3. Follow the prompt to Pair to the reader with blue tooth by holding done the button on the reader until it show orange lights and the App says it is connected
  4. If it asks for a code, ask officers, it is easy
  5. Add the amount and a note on the transaction if this is a donation or fee and what class it is for. This can be very short. “Sewcial Night, donation” for example.
  6. Process the transaction!

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