Prework- Process All “paused” orders for membership dues showing on the Pending Payments tab in the Orders Dashboard. See Periodic Membership Housekeeping on the How to Process Membership Orders and Subscriptions page. This is for sending out a batch of reminders when sending individual reminders through the WP dash is too time consuming. Go to …
Category: Operations
Finance Dashboard
Cash on Hand Revenue Memberships click the icon in the bottom-right corner to expand the chart to full-screen
How to Cancel Events (for Staff)
See also: How to Issue Class Refunds (for Staff) Capture Attendee List – So you can give refunds and send notices Send notice and offer either a refund or Ace Credit. If the notice is very short term, process the refund and send a Ace Gift certificate with soft human language. Be authentic if it was …
Creating Events and Ticket on the Ace Calendar
Event Tickets must be created on a page or event post. For Ace’s use, we only create tickets on the event posts. Follow the steps below to create tickets. If you don’t you may end up with a corrupt post and have to start all over again. Choose “Add Event” from any of the many …
Adding Events and Classes to the Ace Calendar
The workflows below outline the steps to take to add a class or event to the Ace Calendar. It covers the most common scenarios. It does not go into great detail on how to do things, just “what” needs to be done. This article is written from the perspective of Ace Staff. Event Checklist Compose …
How to Give Class Scholarships
These instructions are for Ace staff that have the permissions needed to complete the following steps. Once we have determined we can meet a scholarship request, this is how we send it to the requestor. We need to let them know they need to use the scholarship code right away as the class they selected …
New Class Announcement Strategy
What we do (per channel) When – Using t-shirt sizing Slack Announcement Keep it “Kitty-Cat Cute” w/images and Emojis Only on the relevant channel Social Media Cute, fun, emojis, nice pics, just ridiculous cuteness Not LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a different approach Feature in the next relevant Newsletter New Class Announcement email – single topic. …
Kitting Products and Practice Projects
Ace offers a variety of products and practice project kits for folks to buy onsite. Below is a list of the PDF labels and information about each kit. Laser Clock Project Packaging: 12 x 12 Craft Pizza Box Label: Printed on pink Paper, taped onto the box, folded over the top left edge Contents: Maple …
AMT380 Surface Pro 8
Make/Model: Device name Ops_Manager Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz 2.42 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.84 GB usable) Device ID DB70D8F4-75D5-4253-A27A-94D63038FB8B Product ID 00356-06280-46380-AAOEM System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points Documentation:
Processing Class Scholarship Requests
Class Scholarship Requests are processed approx 3 days a week, once a day, with the goal of responding to requests within 24 to 48 hours during the week. Please note notifications of scholarship requests are sent to various email accounts to ensure they aren’t missed. They are not managed though those accounts though! Steps Access …