Cash on Hand Revenue Memberships click the icon in the bottom-right corner to expand the chart to full-screen
Category: Treasurer Resources
How to take drop in fees and donations with Square
We have a Square Reader. It is connected to the Ace Account! You use it with your phone or a tablet to take sliding scale or “by donation” event fees for Ace Makerspace. It is located in the Operation Resource Center in Coworking/Textiles. Please return it to the charger when done. Make sure the device …

Recording Bills
What: This article explains the steps for recording invoices so that vendors can get paid in a timely manner. Who: Treasurer, MonsterCorps, Officers Why: We need to ensure billing records are stored properly for at least three years and we want to avoid paying vendors late. Pre-Steps Most often, bills are approved by the Executive Director …
Protected: Grants Management
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Process Payroll
Getting Started You will need: access to 1Password credentials of: Paypal (depending) Process Gusto Open a new tab on your browser & login to using the credential for Click Time and Attendance from the sidebar Select the closed or current payroll period and click the button labeled Review & sync. Do not …
Program Planning for Grants
Program Planning for Grants Title Description Provide a high-level explanation of the project or program. Statement of Need Why should the funder invest in this? How will this improve the community you are serving? Which problems will this solve? Budget Summary Include line items and the total. If requesting donated equipment or other goods, note …
Process membership deposits
Each Monday, Stripe deposits the membership revenue, donations, and any other revenue from the prior week. We have access to the reports of each deposit via Stripe, and we use them to correctly account for the revenue source. Stripe Reports are available for each deposit on the day of the deposit. Once logged into Stripe, …
Paying Bills
What: This article explains the steps for sending in invoices and getting paid as a vendor for Ace. If you’re a member looking to get reimbursed, click here. Who: Vendors, Officers Why: If you do an approved service for Ace, it’s important that we pay you while documenting everything we’ll need. Pre-Steps Share a complete W9 …
How to run laser billing
The following instructions are for leaders or admin volunteers who are completing bill related member management services. For member information about laser billing, click here: Laser Billing Laser billing should ideally be run on the 15th of the month, 1x per month. Login to WordPress and go to the Laser Billing Dashboard Run the laser …
2021-2022 budget
FY22 Budget Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement Budget Presentation Supporting Documents Budget Inputs Stipends Membership