City of Oakland Business Certificate – expires December 31, 2024 (renewed 1/1/2025, awaiting updated paperwork) W9 Fictitious Name Statement – effective September 2020 Sellers Permit
Category: Officer Resources
Sometimes, people are awesome and donate things to ACE. Thank you! Donations can get tricky though. Even though the item might be useful, ACE might not be the right home for it. We also have very limited space and value the clear space we do have. With that in mind, we are very careful about …
Changing Governance
(This page is out of date and needs to be updated – see onboarding and offboarding for a more current list) All old and new officers and directors will need to collaborate on these processes, it’s not something that can be done by just one person. Change of Officers Update the wiki at Officers Notify …
Docusign integration
After a user orders a membership, if we don’t have a record in the WordPress database of them filling out the required forms, then we show a status box alerting them that they need to fill out forms (this status box is also always displayed in the My Account page). For forms that need signing, …
How to Apply a Discount to a Subscription
Note: Only users with admin access on the WordPress can perform this task. Log into your admin account on the WordPress and go to the site dashboard. Find the “All Users” tab under “Users” in the sidebar and click it. Search for the member that needs their membership to be updated. Find the member and …
Everyone can make a purchasing request! The purchasing process varies based on who is requesting/doing it and if it is a one-time purchase, restocking something we normally have, or big ole capital purchase. There is a team of members who have Ace debit cards, but big (thousands, not hundreds) purchases are done by the ED …
Previous Budgets
Budget Creation Committee Composition: ideally comprised of 2 Directors, 2 Officers, 2 Stewards, and 2 Members. The budget committee uses data and ideas formatted as a tabletop game to posit, debate and vet ideas regarding spending and ultimately craft the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget. This is approximately a 12-hour commitment over the course of the …
Funding at Ace
This page details some aspects of funding at Ace Makerspace. Core Funding Ace is member supported. The membership dues that folks pay go to pay the rent, utilities, insurance and so on. Tool, Area, or Program Funding We charge an RSVP fee for classes to cover materials and support a specific program. Fees for tool …
What to do when things break
A framework for stewards and officers How we handle it when things don’t go so well says more about us as a community than what we do when everything is hunky dory. The follow framework is not ment to be pedandicaly followed but rather a guide to inform you of a good course of action …
Tool and Equipment Acquisition Policy
Mission-driven Spending Decisions Ace is in the business of disrupting systems that have kept makerspace resources and benefits siloed to people of privilege. Key to that is creating welcoming inclusive environments and experiences for all types of users. We pay special attention to factors that may have kept Black, Indigenous, People of Color, transgender, gender-nonconforming, …