This post is left up for historic institutional knowledge purposes. To see the current guide on giving tours, see: Roles and Responsibilities of Ace Tour Guide Volunteers We have one group tour a week, Wednesdays at 7pm Sharp! The tour takes approximately 45 min. for the group. Thank you so much for volunteering to give …
Category: New to AMT
How to use the Asset Shortcode Plugin
We have a new plugin that adds information from AMT Grand Central to wiki articles, posts or pages. Summary use the following shortcodes between brackets to get a variety of information from AMT Grand Central about AMT Assets. amt-asset id=ASSET NUMBERĀ (basic asset information including the latest status) amt-location-assets id=ASSET NUMBERĀ (All the assets in …
When to call dibs: When you want to use a machine in a specific time period When you are going to do a big project in a space When you need it to be quiet for a class When you need to use the whole area When you want to be transparent When you want …
How to Pick up a Key Fob
Updated Jan 3, 2025 Getting your first fob There are many ways to get your first fob. Sign up for a Tour and be set up with a fob before or after the tour. Come to the New Member Orientation. Assistance with sign-up and fob activation is available before and after the main presentation. Ask …
There are recycling and trash bins in each room. Recycle responsibly. Trash can be taken out to the dumpsters in the loading dock. Recycling goes in the grey recycling bin. Trash and recycling do NOT include your CONSTRUCTION waste. You must pack out your construction waste. Contractor bags have been provided. We will not hold …
Consumables at Ace
While you may find many consumable supplies at Ace that are okay to use don’t expect them to always be there. The supplies were most likely provided by other members not the org with a few program based exceptions. Expect to provide your own consumables. General rules for consumables vary by space. Coworking Coworking has …
Getting into the Building
How To Get In There are two ways to get into the building. Become a member to get the exterior door code and a key fob. Members should never give out the door code or share their fob. Follow the instruction above the main building door keypad to get buzzed in by your host. Please …
Getting Involved
AMT is not just member-funded, it’s also member-run. We need people helping out as much as we need your money to pay bills. There are tons of things that need to be done, and most of them are actually fun things! Here’s a list of stuff you could do is listed on the Volunteer Opportunities …
Guest Policy
One of the cooler features of Ace Makerspace membership is unlimited guest privileges! With great power comes great responsibility. Requirements for Guests All adult guest must have their own guest accounts set up on the Ace website. Members cannot create guest accounts for their guests. Guests can set up their free guest accounts here. All …
Lost and Found
There is one Lost and Found bin. It is in Basic Member Storage (Suite #113) on the bottom shelf of the bin storage. Attach a red tag to an item when you add it to the bin, so that we can remove items that sit in Lost and Found for a long time.