These are the instructions for posting reoccurring and new classes to Meetup. This task requires having access to a Meetup account and being logged in as an organizer for Ace Makerspace. Instructions Go to Instructor confirmation spreadsheet Create Meetup events only for classes with Schedule- Y, Ticket created- Y and Meetup- N. For reoccurring events that …
Author: Jacqueline Rossiter
How to Access Attendee Lists on the Ace Events Calendar
There is a special WordPress Organizer role that allows Ace Instructors and event hosts to manage their events and access attendee lists. Here’s how it works. Warning DO NOT do any of the following: Change the date of the event – that is a whole process Ace Calendar managers do Change the number of …
New Class Announcement Strategy
What we do (per channel) When – Using t-shirt sizing Slack Announcement Keep it “Kitty-Cat Cute” w/images and Emojis Only on the relevant channel Social Media Cute, fun, emojis, nice pics, just ridiculous cuteness Not LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a different approach Feature in the next relevant Newsletter New Class Announcement email – single topic. …

Silicon Molds
Ace Makerspace has a set of silicone molds that members can use*. This post goes over what we have and the Member Use Guidelines for using them at Ace. These molds can be used with cement, plaster, UV Resin, and 2-part epoxy resin. They are NOT food-grade molds. These molds are located upstairs in suite …
Standards for Asset Photos on the Wiki
Good Asset images for the wiki enable folks to easily identify and find what they need at Ace. When taking photos, make sure that your image(s)*: Clearly show what the Asset is. Provide visual context for where the Asset lives. * For smaller items like a Clothing Iron you may need two images; a close-up shot of …
Ace Marketplace
About Ace Marketplace Location: #214 Coworking/Textiles next to the Honor Bar All items are Ace Member-Made All proceeds from Ace Volunteer/Staff-Made Goods support our Equity-Based Programming For Ace Member-Made Goods, Ace takes a small % to cover packaging but $$ goes directly to the artists and makers To purchase scan the QR Code or go …
Channel Journalist Duties
With so many wonderful things happening at Ace, keeping up with fast paced channel conversations on Slack can get tricky. We want to make it easy to stay in the loop by sending out a weekly roundup of relevant Channel News. That’s where you come in! Be an Ace Community Superstar! Take a turn as …
Pet Bandana Shopping Guide
Follow the instructions below to buy your fabric for the Dog Bandana Workshop at Ace Makerspace. Step 1: Figure out how much fabric you need You will need to determine how much fabric to purchase based on the size chart below. Measure your pet’s collar and add a couple of inches to accommodate a …