How to use the Asset Shortcode Plugin

We have a new plugin that adds information from AMT Grand Central to wiki articles, posts or pages.


use the following shortcodes between brackets to get a variety of information from AMT Grand Central about AMT Assets.

  • amt-asset id=ASSET NUMBER  (basic asset information including the latest status)
  • amt-location-assets id=ASSET NUMBER  (All the assets in one location, see the GC api for numbers and locations)
  • amt-asset-status-list id=ASSETNUMBER (all the logs for a specific asset)


Basic Asset information

Shortcode: amt-asset id=ASSET NUMBER

Typing the shortcode including the unique AMT Asset Number and this data will publish to the page:

  • Asset number
  • Description
  • Status
  • Location
  • Certification Requirements

We still manually add the following information to all asset pages

  • Make/Model
  • Documentation
  • Photos

Using the basic asset shortcode

Between brackets type amt-asset id=ASSET NUMBER

Make sure to use the same spaces,  do not use the quotes in the example below!

Example in the post editor

Asset shortcode in editor interface

Example of how it should look in an article

Asset data show in a post

Logs for assets

Shortcode: amt-asset-logs id=ASSETNUMBER

Typing the shortcode including the unique AMT Asset Number will recall all the status updates for that asset shown as a list.

Using the log for asset Shortcode

The new shortcode (amt-asset-logs id=ASSETNUMBER) prints a list of all the status that a given asset has had, from the newest to the older.

The following is an example of how to print the list of status for the asset 255:

The result will be like this:

Assets by Location


Using the Assets by Location Shortcode

We added a new shortcode (amt-location-assets id=ASSET NUMBER ) that prints a list of all the assets from a given location.

The following is an example of how to print all the assets of the location #11 (Workshop):

As you can see, you need to pass the id of the location with the following format: id=”(location number)” (with an space before it).

The result will be a list like this:

Logs for assets

Using the log for asset Shortcode

The new shortcode (amt-asset-status-list id=ASSETNUMBER) prints a list of all the status that a given asset has had, from the newest to the older.

The following is an example of how to print the list of status for the asset 255:

The result will be like this:

If you have questions about using the shortcode please post them to the #amt-software channel

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