Cleaning the bins You will need paper towels and spray cleaner (or cleaning wipes). First, check the white cabinet on top of the fire cabinet (next to bins). If the all-purpose spray is not there, these supplies can be found in the grey cabinet in #113 storage. **Note that the spray is made from concentrate. …
Category: Workshop Maintenance
What to do with sawdust
The short answer is to bag it, take it home, throw it away. We know you are saying to yourself “but all this sawdust isn’t mine…” If there is sawdust in the can when you get there, bag it and post a photo to the channel before creating more dust (more What to do when …
How to Mega Dust the Workshop
Mega Dusting is a monthly process done to both the front and back rooms of the shop in #214 downstairs Prepare yourself and the rooms Note and remove any existing dust in the cyclone can and alert workshop leadership @team-workshop Put away any hand tools or supplies that have been left out Put away all …
Maintaining blades and bits
What: Check table saw, miter saw and bandsaw blades, router bits and clean any that are dirty. Report any damage noted to steward and note in the logs for those tools in the data base Material: Cleaning kit lives in white cabinet above yellow flammable cabinet. Currently the extra blades for circular saws live in …
Cleaning the workshop
This is where we will leave instructions for how to clean the workshop. Checklist style. Often these tasks are in asana and assigned out monthly but may need to happen more often. Shop Care Day Checklist

How to Wax Tools
This guide covers the Jet Band Saw, Jointer, Planer]”’ Materials: Johnson Paste Wax located in the flammables cabinet. Required Permission: Must be certified to use the tool you are waxing. Steps: Unplug tool Clean all exposed cast iron or steel surfaces with steel wool. Do not scrub aluminum parts. Apply wax to the cheap paper towel. …