What to do with sawdust

The short answer is to bag it, take it home, throw it away.

We know you are saying to yourself “but all this sawdust isn’t mine…”

If there is sawdust in the can when you get there, bag it and post a photo to the channel before creating more dust (more What to do when someone leaves dust behind).  Unless you want to take responsibility for it. You can do that too.

This is applicable to the cyclone and all the shop vac’s especially the one connected to the drum sander.

When working with others in the shop negotiate with other users and present what will be done with shared cyclone contents when one of you finishes your work.

If for some reason when you empty the cyclone, table saw vac, sanding station vac, or jet dust collector and there is a huge amount of dust, split it up into more manageable contractor bags full of dust. Do not create more dust than you can take home.

And remember ya’ll are on camera.

AMT works on community! Your dues are low because of a combination of these small things.

There are some tools including a red hamper to hold open contractor bags over by the bandsaw.

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