Where to buy wood and supplies near Ace MacBeath Hardwood, 930 Ashby Ave, Berkeley (510) 843-4390, www.macbeath.com/ Hardwood, Tools, Finishes, Cabinet Hardware, Drawer slides, Blades Many different kinds of hardwood, plywood, furniture hardware, tools, bits, finishes and much more. Ace members get a 10% discount on all purchases Ace Makerspace Plywood Sheets, Bamboo Plywood, Drum …
Tag: Workshop How-to
Sharpening Hollow Ground Hand Tools
Sharp hand tools are a joy to use and the opposite is also true. Most hand tools are hollow ground using our Wolverine-style sharpening jig and one of the two white, friable grinding wheels designed for sharpening tools. One is for curved tools and one is only for flat tools. There is a certification class …
Workshop Supply Closet
The Workshop Supply Closet has a combination of things that are for members. Either consumables like sandpaper, or cleaning tools like brooms. It also has some handy coat hooks and is a great place to stash your backpack while you work. Below is a photo inventory of what is in the closet as of May …

Large Scale Resin Pour Policy
Please note that these rules are provisional, and program support is still iterating. Please note the policies described below refer to large-scale resin/epoxy pour. Things like doing fills on tabletops. This is not the policy for smaller projects that can be cured on the drying curing racks used in Art and during Art workshops. Product …
Updating/Repairing Dust Collection Seals
Over time the tape seals used to connect the ducts and seal the gates is going to fail. Dust, forced air, vibration, and time. They will need to be replaced. Materials and Tools A box cutter Silver HVAC Tape (not common duct tape) A shop vac in good working order Spray clean or soap Paper …
Preventing Electrical Overload in the Shop
The Shop is Conditionally OPEN as of 1/9/23 We are currently experiencing electrical issues in this room and have reached out to the LL and our electricians to figure out a longer-term fix. In the meantime, the shop is conditionally open. What you can expect: All members need to report ALL electrical issues both on …

Securing Wood on the Table Saw
Methods of Securing Wood on the Table Saw Freehand use of the table saw is not allowed. You must use at least the fence or a miter gauge or a jig when using the table saw. You must never use the fence and a miter gauge at the same time. There are several methods of …
Air Quality Maintenence (AQM)
This post details the Monthly required air quality maintenance work that is required to keep the shops open. Air Quality Maintenance PDF CHECKLIST Task Check List Air quality is a matter of safety. When there is fine dust in the air, it is very dangerous for people. The systems at Ace need to be used …
Repair Policy
Members should never attempt to repair a tool or machine without contacting either the team in charge or staff Are approved before done by the team or staff They are done by an approved team of at least 2 people Are documented Must be signed off on by somebody not on the repair team
Cyclone Filter Cleaning
New vs Old Cyclone Filters 2-2-24 Video History Below is out of date as of 2-1-24. When we installed a new filter stack and a shaker to the stack for cleaning. More information on how to use to follow. In addition to the monthly Air Quality Management, the HEPA filters must be removed from the …