This post provides general information about the process of screen printing. Screen Printing at Ace A subset of screen printing supplies and tools previously used for classes at Ace are available for member use as of October 2024. Screen printing supplies for member use are located in a bin in the Art Shelves in Clean …
Tag: Textiles How-to
Knitting Needle and Crochet Hook Checkout System
How to check out knitting needle and crochet hook sets. Hook and needle sets may only be checked out by Ace members Sets can be found in the Knitting and Crochet Sets for Checkout bin in textiles. Sets can be checked out for 1 month at a time, but items may be renewed if you wish …
How to wind a pull skein from a hank of yarn using the swift and winder
Purpose Yarn is often sold in hanks because this is the most suitable format for most hand dying techniques and for showing off the colors achieved in that dying process. However, yarn must be wound into a ball or skein before use to avoid tangling. The swift and ball winder can be used to create …
Pet Bandana Shopping Guide
Follow the instructions below to buy your fabric for the Dog Bandana Workshop at Ace Makerspace. Step 1: Figure out how much fabric you need You will need to determine how much fabric to purchase based on the size chart below. Measure your pet’s collar and add a couple of inches to accommodate a …
Using a 1/4 Inch Piecing Foot on the Janome HD3000
Using a 1/4 inch piecing foot will help quilter’s maintain an accurate 1/4 inch seam allowance for quilt piecing. When using this foot pay close attention to the machine settings as having the needle in the wrong position could result in needle breakage as the foot only has two places for the needle to pass …
Using a Walking Foot on the Janome HD3000
A walking foot on a domestic sewing machine like the Janome HD3000 can be used to sew through multiple layers of fabric. The upper feeddogs on the walking foot when paired with the metal feeddogs on the sewing machine help to even feed the layers of fabric through the sewing machine without shifting. This foot …
Zipper Pouch Kit Instructions
Thanks for your interest in our Zipper Pouch Kit! This kit will not only help you to develop your essential sewing skills, but all proceeds go directly to the Textiles department to replenish everyday sewing supplies and to help fund growth projects! Thank you! This kit contains enough fabric and supplies to make one zipper …
Beginning Sewing Practice Kit
Please note that this post is a draft! We are adding pictures and video shortly. This practice kit is similar to the kit used in our Sewing 101 Bootcamp course with a few twists and extras. This kit will help you to further develop your sewing skills. This kit is designed to take you through …

This post is all about setting snaps and all the ways possible at ACE. BG Press and Die Setters and Snaps We currently carry Line 20 and 24 BG Snaps and have matching dies that work with BG presses and hand setters. The price list for the hardware can be found here. There is also …
BG Hardware Quick Start Guide
ACE Stocks a small selection of hardware that goes with our BG Presses, Hand Setter, Setters Dies and Punch Dies. Below is s Quickstart Guides designed to be a reference but not an all-inclusive explanation of each piece of hardware or tool. The Buckle Guy hardware costs money and is purchased on the honor system. …