AMT works on a monthly subscription but automatic payments don’t work for everybody. Use the following instructions for turning off your automatic subscription payments and go to a manual payment plan. Step 1 – Set up your account and membership dues subscription Step 2 – Go to the membership tab under your My Account Page …
Author: crafty
How to process Honor Bar bills
Cash and IOU collection – Support Associate or MonsterCorps Collect the cash and paper IOU from both honor bars. Neatly count the cash. Place the money in an envelope marked with the date, amount, and “Honor Bar.” Place the cash envelope in the Treasurer’s mailbox and fill out this form re: the deposit. Monthly Bills …
Tips for posting about On-Request classes on slack
ACE offers On-Request classes (but doesn’t guarantee them). You can read more about them here. The idea is that the person or people doing the requesting do the cat-herding and recruiting. And don’t make that work something that another volunteer has to manage for you or even be part of. They are super busy design …
How to cull the fabric bins
Go through each bin under the cut tables and… Remove any small or excessively cut up pieces (if it is smaller than a foot square it is too small) Make sure the contents of the bin reflect the label Remove any dirty fabric Remove any reclaimed fabric from clothing (except leather) Fold and/or roll each …
AMT262 Laser FATT access point
As of 11/2020 were are spec’ing out redoing the retire box with a new python app that will help us manage filter. Documentation: Status: [amt-asset-status-list id=AMT262]
Library Program Coordinator
Current Steward: Open Purchase and organize supplies Schedule and coordinate preparation events and sample making Work with the Marketing Team to post and promote workshops Manage preparation and staff volunteers including sign-up postings Design / coordinate the creation of new workshop content 8-10 hours per month Some training provided, room to craft process Skills needed …
AMT Image and Video Organization
We currently share images on an Ace own google drive associated with Crafty’s official account. In the future, if needed these drive assets are easily transferable to another user. Personal cloud space should not be used for the final home of ace assets. 1-1 Social Media Ready and 2-1 Social Media Ready contain …
How to Clean and Restock the Shop PPE Bins
Cleaning the bins You will need paper towels and spray cleaner (or cleaning wipes). First, check the white cabinet on top of the fire cabinet (next to bins). If the all-purpose spray is not there, these supplies can be found in the grey cabinet in #113 storage. **Note that the spray is made from concentrate. …
Taking Pictures At AMT
AMT always needs photos for social media and space promotion. So taking a few snaps in your classes or when you are working with tools is great. Please, when you do always get the consent of any people who might be in the shot. If they aren’t comfortable don’t take the picture. Share pictures for …
How to help AMT Sell off old equipment
We have equipment and supplies just laying around. The value of those items could be funding programs, classes or contractors to build us things. But selling off equipment takes time and organization. An amazing contribution to the organization is helping us sell off these things. Here is how the process works. Gather information Get the …