AMT255 Clear Vue Cyclone

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  • Exactly 4 dust collection gates must be open at all times and prior to turning on
  • Check the cyclone can before you begin and notify @team-workshop if a previous user left dust in the bin.  Any left over sawdust becomes your responsibility unless you bag it and set it aside before you start.
  • Check the dust collection can and HEPA filter prior to starting and intermittently if you are using it for long periods after you have finished
  • Dust in the collection bin cannot be above or touching the red painted line (FULL equals 1/3 of the bin)
  • Sawdust cannot be placed in the dumpster and must be taken home with you for disposal
  • Never put a bag inside the collection bin

How to use

  1. Check to make sure the dust collection gates is open for the tool you intend to use
    • These are located in multiple places and can be found on the collection hose close to each of the larger tools (Planer, Jointer, Table Saw, Band Saw, Panel saw)
    • Some examples from in the shop
  2. Prior to powering on, check the collection bin and make sure it is empty, especially not full.
    • Not full means that there is no dust seen at the level of or touching the painted red line inside of the can.
    • A full can means there is dust seen at the level of, touching, or concealing the painted red line
  3. Verify that the lid to the collection can is closed
  4. Check the clear area at the bottom of the HEPA Filter. If there is anything material there, remove the cap and use a shop vac to clean it out. (
  5. Locate the power switch on the wall to the left of the cyclone and turn it on
    • Do not be concerned when the collection can compresses slightly

Where is the power switch

The power switch is located on the wall to the left of the big yellow cyclone with a placard identifying it

Collection can

This is full

Full dust collection can

This is not full

When to check if it is full

How to check if it is full

  1. Make sure the cyclone is not powered on
    • If it is then turn off the switch. Never attempt to open the can while it is powered on
  2. Open the lid of the trash can
  3. Look to see if any collected dust is touching or covering the painted red line. If so then empty the bin

When to empty

  • Before starting work if someone else didn’t empty the can and is no longer in the space. (See what to do if someone else left dust behind)
  • When you leave after completing your work.
  • If the collected dust is at or exceeding the level of the red line. If it is touching the line then it needs to be emptied.

How to empty

  1. Take a contractors garbage bag from the shelf near the main entrance to the Workshop (with the safety glasses, etc)
  2. Use the red hamper to hold the contractor’s garbage bag (this is either found next to the cyclone or in the front room of the workshop)
    • This is not required but is much easier than trying to hold the bag and empty the can into it by yourself
  3. Empty the collected dust into the contractor’s bag
  4. Locate the shop vac and use it to clean up any dust which is now on the floor
  5. If it’s. your dust, take the bag with you when you leave the shop.  If it was there when you arrived, leave it near the hand sanitizer station and notify @team-workshop.
    • This bag cannot be disposed of inside of the dumpster because the building owner/landlord can/will be fined by the trash company as this is not something they accept
  6. Never place a bag inside of the collection can. Keep it empty and place the lid on it

Collection gate examples

Panel saw

On the right side of the panel saw

Table saw

Behind the right side of the saw extension table

Jointer & planer

Next to the planer above the bench

Band saw

Just below the work surface on the right side

What to do if the collection can was not emptied

  1. Take a picture of the inside of the can
  2. Empty the can into a contractors bag so you can do your making
  3. Post the photo in the #workshop slack channel indicating that it was overfilled and, if you choose to, whoever used it last needs to dispose of the bag.  Tag @team-workshop.
  4. Place the bag on the floor in the front room next to the sanitizing station and indicate this in your post


Cleaning the air filter – Every Use

  1. Locate the white port on the bottom of the cyclone
  2. Get the shop vac
  3. Stick the shop vac hose into the white port and use it to clean

Spot Cleaning – Use the method from this experiment

Inspecting the gates and ductwork

  1. Visually inspect the ducting for any visual clogs or build-up
  2. Shut all gates and check them one at a time for low pressure
    • If you find low pressure at a gate then inspect the ducting more closely to that tool for any clogs or damage

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