This is the checklist for instructors and hosts of on-site events at Ace. While not all things are required they are highly encouraged as we are in an old confusing building and it is easy for people to get lost. They then have a negative experience.
Post the event
- Make sure the event includes the room number of the event
- Make sure you have access to Meetup as people will be directed to contact you via the platform if they have any issues. See this checklist for publishing an event
- Post should include:
- Time and Date
- Description of the event including what tools folks will use and skills they will practice
- Any pre-requisits
- The COVID Policy copy and instructions
Set up
- Make sure to show up at least 15 min. early and give yourself enough time to set up
- Put one of the sandwich boards under the map in the main hallway. Make sure to include with the room number and an arrow to direct people to the right room. (It is considered good practice to list all the classes with arrows being taught that day.)
- Put one of the sandwich boards outside the room with the workshop name.
- Extra: Put a sign on the door with the workshop name and time.
- If helpful post phone number: (510) 545-3245 on a note on the door do that too in case you forget how to use the buzz-in
Sandwich boards are stored in Laser and the chalk pens are in the Cleaning Supplies Cabinet

Buzzing People-in
If people follow the instructions on the keypad all the phones will ring in all of the suites. When you answer:
- Ask people if they are here for your event (if they haven’t told them)
- Tell them what room you are in and how to get there
- Tell them you are buzzing them in then press 9 on the keypad
- Next, press OFF on the phone. This is very important. You will hang up the whole system if you don’t and the next user will just get endless ringing but nothing will happen on our phones.
- If for some reason it is near or at the start time of your event but your people aren’t there, go out and check the doors and hallways.
Checking people-in / Vax Verification
We have different requirements based on if people will be using tools or not. Most of the time you will be checking folks in for using tools.
For complete instructions on how to check people in any circumstance see this post.
- Log in to the Ace Website using your personal credentials
- For guests check: https://www.acemakerspace.org/guest-directory/
- For youth guest check: https://www.acemakerspace.org/youth-directory/
- For members check their profiles on the Ace directory for C192 certification: https://www.acemakerspace.org/member-directory/
If folks don’t have vax certification on file we have a handout that explains how to set up a guest account. It can be useful to get one of the loaner laptops running so folks can set up guest accounts more easily.
Please refuse entry to anybody not willing to provide vaccination verification.
Perks for Longer Workshops
Any workshop longer than 2 hours has a budget for a snack and beverage from the honor bars for students, instructors, and helpers. There are Welcome Kits in room 206 in the gray bin labeled “Partner Welcome Kits.” Each participant (including the instructors and helpers) gets a kit. There are branded kits for our partner organizations as well as general Ace kits.
Closing on a High Note
- Make sure to let folks know how to become a member. Handouts in each room.
- If possible send out a follow-up email to attendees.
Closing and Cleaning up – Strike
- Bring in and clean sandwich boards
- Helps clean up from the workshop
- reset tools and put the room back to order
Short checklist for helpers
- Be awesome partners for the main instructor
- Set up the sandwich boards
- Let people in
- Get people checked into the class (vax, PPE, dress code, snack and drink tickets, let them know where the honor bars and bathrooms are, etc.)
- Helps users safely use tools and supports the primary instructor
- For strike, make sure everyone not a member gets “How to Join” handouts
- Bring in and clean sandwich boards
- Helps clean up from workshop and resets tools