Ace has transparency embedded in our culture and social contract that includes meetings, be it team or board meetings.
- People both members and folks from the public are welcome to audit our meetings. Auditing a meeting means:
- Attending the meeting but not participating.
- Saving all questions and sending them to the relevant team member, staff or board member after the meeting. Or setting up a get-together to get those questions answered.
- Meetings are listed on the Calendar.
- Folks both in the membership and without can request to address the team/board/group in the meeting. This is a request to add as specific topic with to the agenda. Topics should be:
- Relevant to the meeting focus and the stakeholders present
- Have a specific focus
- Have a time box
- Have any relevant materials provided at least 48 hours beforehand (proposals, links, etc.)
- The request should be made on the channel at least a week prior to the meeting.
- These are operational meetings and are not designed to address interpersonal issues. We have a great set of folks with training to help in those cases.