Laser Steward

The laser program at AMT is very popular. Leading this program takes more than just a steward. It takes a team. This team is made of members including Monster Corps folks. The leadership of that team can be taken on in 30, 60 or 90 day increments.

Current Team: Miriam, David (drp), Megan

 Learn more about the stewardship program at ACE.


Team Captain

  • The leadership of that team can be taken on in 30 day increments.
  • Holds the vision and communicates regularly with the rest of the team
  • Keeps the team on track
  • Organizes technical training
  • Tracks spending in budget
  • 1 hour per week + 1 meeting a month (slack or virtual okay)

Laser Team Member

  • Works with the team to maintain the laser, train members, and maintain the space.
  • 2 hour per month (assumes 3 or more team members) + 1 meeting (slack or virtual okay)
  • Ensures that the maintenance schedule is accurate and communicated
  • Partners with the Monster Corps coordinator to schedule maintenance

Team Responsibilities

These are all the things the team owns

  • Laser maintenance:
    • Periodic alignment and cleaning of mirrors
    • Cleaning of chassis
    • Cleaning honeycomb and debris in the exhaust system
    • Changing of water in the chiller
    • Cleaning and greasing rails
    • Maintaining materials storage: scrap and blue tag.
  • Laser repair:
    • Changing laser tube, mirrors, lenses
    • Fixing random issues as they arise
    • Coordinating with others who know how to fix problems I don’t.
  • Laser upgrade projects
    • Install new equipment
    • Improve on usability by upgrading parts of the laser such as controller, ventilation, hood interlock, etc.
  • Communication
    • Answering basic questions about laser usage
    • Communicating with ACE users about status changes and repair windows.
  • Education
    • Teaching Laser 101 to certify members on the laser
    • Peer training on maintenance tasks and technical laser use
    • Documents information in the wiki about all aspects of the laser



  1. Irene Howard says:

    Hello I am obviously very challenged because I can’t figure out where to sign up for your laser class on Jan 14 (Tuesday) . is there still room in that class? If so how do I sign up? Is there an upfront fee for the class? I read that there is a .50 per minute fee while the machine is fired up but is that only after I’ve completed the course? In which case will the class offer hands on experience? Any info you can provide Will be greatly appreciated. Due to the short notice I can be reached at [redacted phone number]
    Thank You.

    • crafty says:

      Hello Irene, This is public post comment and not an email. Just so you know. We are also unable to follow up with a phone call and have removed your phone number from the public post.

      All of our classes are listed on our calendar here:

      You sign up by finding a class as if there is an opening paying the RSVP fee and saving your spot.

      The .50¢ firing time fee is for when you use the laser. Membership and certification are required for to use our laser. While the class offers some hands-on aspects is not a 1:1 tutorial but rather a basic use and safety course.

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