We have sevaral ways for you to look up assets or update the status of an asset.
Update the status on the web page: [https://www.acemonstertoys.org/tool-and-equipment-status/ Tool and equipment status page on website]
Update the status on slack:
*You can update from slack by typing “!asset [assetID] [New asset status]” for example “!asset AMT999 Up – but low on blinker fluid”
*You can query this from slack by typing “!asset [assetID]” or “!asset [searchWord]” (max one word currently). For example “!asset AMT001” or “!asset laser”
A current list of assets with logs:[http://acemonstertoys.org/assets/ http://acemonstertoys.org/assets/]
A current list of assets: [http://wiki.acemonstertoys.org/Category:Assets Category Assets]
[[Category:Steward Resources]][[Category:Officer Resources]][[Category:Assets]]