This policy was updated and replaced January 2022. See the latest Policy here.
- Introduction
- Section 1: Eligibility Requirements
- Section 2: Culture and Considerations
- Section 3: Masks
- Section 4: Occupancy Tracking and Booking
- Section 5: Keeping Clean and Safe
- Section 5: Testing
- Section 7: FAQ
This policy and training was originally developed for full lockdown state and was last updated 8.1.21. Outdated or inapplicable sections are clearly marked but have been kept so folks clearly understand our approach to COVID safety.
Policy Change Summary as of 8.1.21
All people in Ace spaces are required to wear appropriate masks as of 8.1.21
As of 8.20.21 these changes go into effeect
- All members need to be vaccinated, with valid proof submitted via DocuSign or by Appointment.
- All guests need a Guest account and need to be vaccinated, with valid proof submitted via DocuSign or by Appointment.
- Anybody claiming a medical or religious exemption must provide proof of a negative COVID test, no later than 48 hours old, for each visit.
- Access including fob activation on doors and booking systems will be updated to reflect these criteria
Outdated as of June 15, 2021. The COVID-19 Safety course is part of the Ace Makerspace member training and is required for all members. New members also need to take the How Ace Makerspace Works training as part of their orientation.
The information, guidelines, and safety requirements in this training are based on our current understanding of COVID-19 and health and safety practices. This training will be updated as more is understood about the virus, its transmission, and best practices to guard against the spread of the virus.
Section 1: Eligibility Requirements
Requirements for Members
- Follow all current mask and sanitization policies outlined in this post.
- All members need to be vaccinated, with valid proof submitted via DocuSign or by Appointment.
- Anybody claiming a medical or religious exemption must provide proof of a negative COVID test, no later than 48 hours old, for each visit.
Requirements for Guests
- Follow all current mask and sanitization policies outlined in this post.
- Create and maintain a Guest account on the website
- All guests and students need to be vaccinated, with valid proof submitted via DocuSign or by Appointment.
- Anybody claiming a medical or religious exemption must provide proof of a negative COVID test, no later than 48 hours old, for each visit.
Exemptions to the vaccination requirement.
- Ace Makerspace provides accommodation for medical or religious exemptions in accordance with state and federal law.
- Anyone claiming an exemption from the vaccination requirements must provide proof of a Negative COVID Test within 48 hours of visiting Ace. This requirement is for each visit and not a one-time thing.
Alternative ways to submit vaccination and test documents
- Anyone who doesn’t want to upload documentation to DocuSign can make an appointment via Zoom to show their paperwork and proof of vaccination by booking an office hours appointment.
Section 2: Culture and Considerations
Personal Responsibility
You are responsible for your actions and have a duty to other members to maintain a safe and healthy space. The makerspace can only continue to be open while it is safe to be there.
Your responsibilities:
- Don’t come in if you are sick.*
If you are unsure, take your temperature. Temperatures 100 degrees Fahrenheit and higher are considered sick. - Contain your germs. Make sure you have close control of water bottles, phones, and other personal items.
- Don’t come in if you or anybody in your germ pod has been exposed until you have been quarantined and are symptom-free for 14 days OR have a negative COVID test.
Personal Reporting and Self Quarantine Responsibility
Exposure to you or anyone in your germ pod
- If you or anyone in your germ pod is exposed to COVID-19 or becomes infected DO NOT COME TO ACE until you have self-quarantined for 14 days AND are symptom-free — Even if you have NOT been to Ace during the exposure period
If you have unknowingly come to Ace after you or anyone in your germ pod has been exposed
- If you or anyone in your germ pod is exposed to COVID-19 or becomes infected and you have HAVE BEEN TO ACE since the date of exposure report it right away. DO NOT COME TO ACE until you have self-quarantined for 14 days AND are symptom-free
How to Report
Email [email protected] and include your best information about the dates of exposure. Please note nobody is going to get angry or shame anyone for reporting. The only thing that will cause upset is if people knowingly come to Ace after being exposed or having a confirmed active case of COVID.
Guest Privileges
Guest privileges have been reinstated. Members can have unlimited guests under the old policy with a few updates for COVID including:
- Guests need to have a Guest Account on It is free and easy to set up.
- Guests need to have signed their guest waiver
- Guests need to have provided the paperwork related to vaccination or exemption.
Outdated as of June 15, 2021. Guest privileges are currently suspended. The space is only open to members that have taken the COVID-19 safety training and have been certified by passing the training test.
- Guest privileges will be coming back once we have the tools for contact tracing guests.
- Exceptions – current non-members allowed in the space:
- PPE volunteers (with training)
- Students once in-person classes resume (with training)
- Contractors and service people
All non-members in the space require sign-in with ID and release of liability forms.
- Deliveries and Pickups – No-contact pickup and deliveries in the hallway are preferred. Please coordinate pickup and delivery accordingly.
Supporting Each Other and Taking Care of the Community
Ace Makerspace has been built on the quality of its community and the willingness of members to work together and support one another. This is especially critical during the pandemic.
How to support one another:
- If asked to correct your mask-wearing, comply with the standards posted. Don’t argue; make the correction. It is not the appropriate time to argue or debate about the safety protocols while you are in the space. If you have something to contribute about the safety protocols, discuss it on Slack.
- Be willing to help someone else find the equipment and supplies needed to keep each other safe.
- Willful disregard of the COVID-19 safety policies and procedures will result in an immediate suspension of Ace Makerspace privileges known as a Yellow Card. (Learn more about Yellow Cards at Ace Makerspace including the process for getting privileges back wiki link)
- A Yellow Card will be issued for:
- A pattern of “forgetting” or lack of mindfulness
- Checking in for others
- Bringing guests that don’t have valid guest accounts into the space
- A Yellow Card will be issued for:
- A Red Card will be issued for repeated violations.
- The camera system at Ace Makerspace is monitored daily.
- The monitors are a small, approved team. The camera feeds are not publicly accessible.
- We are using the camera system to make up for short-staffing
- Camera checks ensure people are complying with the safety protocols
What Happens if there is an Exposure?
If there is an exposure:
- Any rooms with exposure will be quarantined for 4 days.
- Officers will use the occupancy tracking system to directly notify any possibly exposed people directly and individually
- A public announcement will be made about the closure window for cleaning
Once cleaned and the quarantine time has elapsed, the rooms will be reopened.
Section 3: Masks
Please note this requirement was suspended for vaccinated people for a brief period between June 15th and August 1st, 2021.
Key information
- Masks are required anytime you are inside the building, including inside any of the Ace Makerspace rooms.
- The mask must be one of the approved types.
- The mask must be worn properly.
- You may momentarily remove your mask to take a drink of water, provided that the safety protocols for drinking are followed.
When Masks are required
- Wearing an approved mask is required both by Ace Makerspace and the building owners. You are required to wear an approved mask when you enter the building and anytime you are inside an Ace space.
- Momentary exception – the only exception to the requirement to be wearing a mask at all times is to take a drink of water or eat a snack.
Eating and Drinking
As noted above in Mask Usage, you are allowed to drink water while at Ace Makerspace, but it must be done safely, following the safety protocol.
Safety Protocol for Drinking Water
- You must be more than 6 feet/2 meters from anyone else.
- Remove your mask just long enough to take the drink and then replace your mask.
Sanitize properly after drinking. - It is considered courteous to let people know you are taking off your mask to drink so they don’t roll up on you while you are unmasked.
Eating a quick snack if you are alone is okay. If you want to eat a meal, please take your food outside and eat there. You are welcome to take one of the folding chairs with you outside and bring it back when you are done. Follow hand and equipment sanitizing protocols after eating.
Mask Types
There are many mask types that people have adopted during the pandemic. Some have proven to be very effective at stopping the spread of the virus and others have been found to offer little if any ability to contain the spread of the virus.
Since our understanding of the virus and its transmission is evolving, this manual including this section will be updated as new information becomes available.
Unapproved Masks
A number of mask types have been shown to be ineffective in stopping the transmission of the virus and are therefore not acceptable for use at Ace Makerspace.
- Gaiters, Balaclavas, and Knits – Masks such as gaiters, balaclavas and masks with knit fabric have been shown to be ineffective in preventing the transmission of air droplets from the wearer. Masks using “stretchy” fabrics increase the size of the holes in the fabric when they are stretched and no longer function as a filter for air droplets.
Useless Mesh Face mask Balaclava knit face mask - Masks with (Unfiltered) Exhalation Valves – Many commercial masks are manufactured with unfiltered exhalation valves. These masks are designed to filter air coming into the mask, but do nothing to filter the air leaving the mask; they still spread virus-carrying air droplets.Some of these masks can be modified with filters for the exhalation valves. Refer to the section on Modified Exhalation Valves below. Such masks that are modified according to the standards below may be used as Ace Makerspace.
Respirator with unfiltered exit valve N95 Respirator with unfiltered exit valve Sport Mask with unfiltered exit valves
Approved Masks
Certain masks have been shown to be effective in reducing transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The following masks are approved for use at Ace Makerspace:
- Not Shown but also okay:
- N95 Mask with Valve Modification**
- Festival Mask with Valve Mod**
* Fabric masks cannot be made of knit or any other stretchy type of material. See Unapproved Mask – Gaiters, Balaclavas, and Knits above for additional information.
**Guidelines about clean mask use apply to filter materials used in modification. If your filter medium becomes wet it must be replaced to continue to be effective.
How to get an approved mask
Commercially Available Masks
From the start of the pandemic, the commercial mask supply has been unreliable, due to high demand. In recent weeks, commercially manufactured masks have begun to be more readily available.
Make one at home or make extras at Ace
DIY fabric masks are relatively easy to make with minimal tools. A number of tutorials are available online.
Buy one from Ace at cost, with no-contact pickup
Masks are available at cost from Ace and can be found in the honor bar in Coworking:
- Masks only mitigate the spread of the virus when they are worn correctly.
- Masks must be worn covering the mouth and nose.
- Masks must extend below the chin from the bridge of the nose
- Masks must not have any large gaps along the bridge of the nose or at the sides
- Masks need to be snug at the nose, chin, and on the sides. The mask should not be bunched up or have gaps between the mask and face.
Contaminated Masks
- Masks are contaminated when they get wet, are touched by other people, or are dirty.
- Reusable masks that get contaminated can be stored in a plastic bag until they are sanitized.
- Disposable masks should be replaced and thrown away.
Section 4: Occupancy Tracking and Booking
Why Occupancy Tracking and Control
The Ace Makerspace has put together an occupancy tracking and booking system. As of 8.1.21 the booking system is voluntary and we are evaluating the future of the system. The system exists because:
- Contract tracing is the responsible thing to do
- Enforce the strict occupancy limits on each space. These limits are based on the size of the room and the HVAC available.
- Ace Makerspace works on trust
- We don’t have on-site staff to:
- Ensure occupancy limits
- Ensure mask compliance
- Keep records
What booking is NOT
The occupancy tracking and booking system is not a tool reservation. To reserve a space and a tool:
- Book the space first, then
- Call dibs. Calling dibs on a tool without booking the space does not count and does not reserve the space or the tool. Refer to the tool training included in the How Ace Makerspace Works training for how to call dibs on a tool.
How the Occupancy Tracking and Booking system works
There are two components to the system: Online Booking and the Point of Occupancy Tracking (“POOT”)
Online Booking
- The online booking system can be accessed by logging into your member account on the main Ace Makerspace website. Look under the “Member Tools” dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
- This dropdown menu is only available if you are logged into the website as a member.
- The online system allows you to make sure there is room in the space you want to use before you come to Ace.
- It is best for 3 hours or more of use.
- You can book as much time as you need.
- The online system allows for remote check-out if you forgot to check-out at the POOT station.
Point of Occupancy Tracking (POOT)
Each space has a POOT and check-out device outside the room, near the door.
The POOT requires membership and a fob.
You can access the space reserved for “Local” only through the POOT stations
Using the booking system
Accessing the online booking system
- Requires logging in to your Ace Makerspace account on the website
- Available under the Member Tools Menu
- Only available to COVID-19 Safety Certified active member
Booking a spot
Use the form to choose:
- Room
- Start time
- End time
If your reservation is available you will see a large green button you can click to make your reservation.
If your selected time is not available, you can check the calendar to see what other options may be available.
Booking multiple spots
- Members can only book 1 spot per room for any given time.
- Facilities managers, including instructors and officers can book multiple spots for the same time in order to block bookings for things like classes and cleaning.
Canceling Reservations
- Check your booking from the list at the top of the booking page
- Click “cancel” on the booking you want to cancel. You will get an email confirmation.
Remote Check out
- Check your bookings from the list at the top of the booking page
- If you have overstayed a reservation you will see a button allowing for remote check out… click it.
Using POOT stations
Reading the POOT station Home screen
This screen lists:
- Date and Time
- Room
- Current Occupancy – All people walking into the room will have the information to make an informed decision on how many people they want to be around.
- User prompts – Read the screen and follow instructions, wait for timeouts and content to load
Checking in and out
Use your fob to and out by swiping your fob on the reader adjacent to the POOT Screen. The response from the system will be based on the information it has about you, such as a reservation, , and so on.
Key features
- You can only fob in for yourself at this time. There are no guest privileges at this time.
- You cannot more than 5 minutes before your reservation or more than 15 min. after.
- You cannot if the space is at max. capacity (even if you have a reservation in the Online Booking System).
- Your reservation expires if you don’t in the first 15 minutes of your reservation.
- You must check-out to make the spot available for another user. If you don’t check-out, the system will still treat the space as though it were occupied by you. The space won’t be made available for the next person.
- You will get a lot of annoying notifications if you haven’t checked out once your reservation has expired
- You can only check in to one reserved space per room at a time. (See “Going into another room for a short amount of time” for an exception.)
Checking in with a Reservation
If you on time the system will register you as present and show a confirmation message for your reservation
If you late the system will not register you and will give you a message telling you your reservation was canceled. After the message times-out, you will be returned to the home screen and have the normal options for checking in or going online to make reservations on your phone.
Checking in without a reservation
- If you do not have a booking for the space and you are attempting a local, you can for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 2-hour intervals if there is a space available.
Select the desired interval and wait for the system to approve and acknowledge that you have been checked in. - If no local space is available you will get a message letting you know when the next local option is available OR what the current Online booking options are.
- You cannot book an Online spot directly from the POOT station. You will need to login via a phone or computer to book those spots.
- Use your fob to check-out, swiping your fob on the reader adjacent to the POOT Screen.
- The screen will confirm you are checking-out. Please wait for the screen to time out before attempting additional actions.
Attempting to if you are not COVID-19 Certified
- The Doors and Occupancy tracking systems are using the same list of certified people. On the off chance, the doors were open or you followed somebody else in, you may gain access to the station.
- On the attempt, you will get a message asking you to leave right away and go get certified. Do that. Never access a space without checking in.
Checking in before your reservation window
- If you attempt to before your 20 min. check-in window you will get a message letting you know your check-in window
- You will also get an option (button) to attempt a local check-in. The local check-in option will be based upon availability
Checking in if the space is full
- Each room has a strict occupancy limit. DO NOT ENTER ANY SPACE YOU CANNOT CHECK IN TO without specific okay from an officer (Crafty, Matt, or Steven).
The POOT screen displays the current occupancy on most screens as well as the maximum occupancy of each room - If the room is full you will not be allowed to, even if you have a reservation.
- What may have gone wrong if you can’t to your reservation:
- If a member overstays their reservation
- A member leaves but doesn’t check out
- What to do if things go wrong and you can’t check in to your reservation
- Contact the member that didn’t check out on time via slack. You can see who had reservations by looking at the booking page on the site.
- Knocking on the door, and ask if somebody has overstayed their reservations and politely ask when your space will be available.
- Contact an officer via Slack to see if they can help. Please note that officers are not available 24/7. Officers can check the camera feed and verify actual occupancy for safety and they can check-out users as an override.
Going into another room for a short amount of time
You may need to go into another space for a short amount of time to get project supplies from storage, use another tool, or refill sanitization supplies. When you do that, you MUST at the POOT station before entering and check-out from the POOT station when leaving. You cannot “pop into another space for just a second” without checking in and out. It defeats our ability to do proper tracking and contact tracing.
How to Go from Room to Room (without Losing Your Primary Reservation)
- Check into your primary reservation
- Go to the space you want to make a short visit to. DO NOT check-out OF YOUR PRIMARY RESERVATION. You will lose your spot if you do.
- Check into the short-use space using one of the drop-in local-only spots, if there is one available.
- Use the space then check-out of the short-use space when you leave. This is very important.
Return to your primary reservation and continue to the end of your reservation.
Section 5: Keeping Clean and Safe
Safe Proximity to Others
- Stay 6 feet apart, especially when working together for prolonged periods — even when wearing masks.
- It is considered courteous to indicate when you need to pass closer than 6 feet to somebody and give them the option to move.
- Remember that 6 feet is further than you might think. It’s typically a little more than two arms lengths away. When in doubt, measure.
- Face shields can add an extra level of protection but are not a substitute for an approved mask. You still need to wear a mask.
Keeping Your Self Sanitized
How to sanitize your hands
- Soap and Water
- There are two sets of restrooms in the building, as well as a hand sink outside the door to the suite 214 (Workshop/Clean Fab).
- Hands should be washed with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds (about the time it takes to sing “HappyBirthday”).
- Hand Sanitizer
- There are hand sanitizer stations in each of the workspaces, sometimes multiple stations as well as individual containers that you position next to you.
When to Sanitize
- When you enter the room
- Anytime you touch your face
- When someone else touches your tools
- When leaving the room
- Anytime you think you need to re-sanitize your hands
Tools, Equipment, and Worksurfaces
When to Sanitize Tools, Equipment, and Worksurfaces
Before Use
- When someone else touches the tool, equipment, or work-surface
- When you are done using them
Approved Sanitizers
- Lysol Wipes
- Alcohol or peroxide-based cleaners
What NOT to use
- Bleach-based cleaners – causes corrosion
- Plain soap (it requires rinsing)
Note about greasy machine parts: Be careful to relubricate machine parts that have been accidentally degreased with sanitizer. This includes the cut tables on the saws that should stay waxed.
Note about Screens and sensitive electronics: Use only specialty cleaners designed for monitors and touchscreens to clean electronic screens. Other cleaners may ruin them. There are supplied specialty cleaners that can be found in each room this equipment exists in.
Where you can find sanitizers and cleaners
Approved sanitizers are supplied in each room for your use. Refills can be found in the cleaning supply cabinet
Section 5: Testing
As of 8.1.21 the Covid Safety Test if no longer required for access.
Out of data as of 8.1.21 When you have a firm understanding of the safety protocols, go to the testing link and take the certification test.
If you have any questions, even during the test, feel free to ask them on Slack.
Section 7: FAQ
Q: Why do I need to wear a mask at Ace Makerspace?
A: Masks have proven to be effective in stopping the spread of the virus and they are part of the safety protocol adopted by Ace.
Q: Do I need to wear a mask if there is no one else in the room?
A: Yes, it greatly reduces the virus being spread in the room through air droplets you produce while exhaling.
Q: Do I really need to stay home for a stomach ache for two weeks?
A: Yes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are known symptoms. It is best to err on the side of caution and it is not okay to gamble with other people’s health. Do not come back to Ace until you have quarantined and are symptom-free for two weeks.
I love how thorough our community are and forward thinking with the guidelines and protocols in place. I feel safe and well informed. I will do my utmost to adhere to and promote our culture at AMT!