Category: Workshop

Air Quality Monitoring

The Air Quality Monitoring project [[File:Dust monitoring.jpg|640px|Dust monitoring.jpg]] Goal Many of our activities generate dust or particles that aren’t great for your health. The goal of the Air Quality Monitoring project is to gather data about the dust in our space and establish a baseline. Proof of concept A proof of concept was setup using …

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Craftsman Woodworking Lathe

Out of date = Woodworking Lathes = ”’Status:{{#amtasset:AMT124}}”’ Logs for AMT124:[] ”We have two woodworking lathes, a smaller Central Machinery (Harbor Freight) Mini Woodworking Lathe Model 95607 and a larger Craftsman Variable Speed Wood Lathe Model 351.21 7170.” ”[[File:LargeLathe.jpg|400px|LargeLathe.jpg]]” == Policies == *This tool will soon require certification… until we can offer training though it is a …

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