When a new person steps into one of the various positions at AMT, they need access and authorization to a number of systems in order to do their tasks. The membership also needs to know who they are and what they do, and how to get in touch. Finally, when that person steps down, the …
Category: Steward Resources
Sometimes, people are awesome and donate things to ACE. Thank you! Donations can get tricky though. Even though the item might be useful, ACE might not be the right home for it. We also have very limited space and value the clear space we do have. With that in mind, we are very careful about …
AMT uses the Asana.com platform for project management and task distribution. Best Practices We have a set of “best practices” so things don’t get crazy. This is a way of using Projects, Conversations, Tasks, Subtasks, and Tags so that we can easily pull reports and get overviews of projects. Projects Never-ending projects – Some asana projects …
Ace Certification Instructors
THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER OFFERED. IT WAS UNSUSTAINABLE. Learn more about tool certification here. The amazing list of volunteers listed below can certify experienced tool users. Please be mindful that they are volunteers and not staff when planning to meet for certification. Specialists Name: Crafty Rachel General availability: Afternoons, Monday and Wednesday Preferred communication …
Computer Request
To Request a Computer for any Ace tool The following information will be required to setup an machine: Name of the software it will run. ex: LaserCut 3.1 Link to the the software it will run. – Either a link to the internet site for it, or the software on the network somewhere. Any other …
CNC Router Steward
As of 2022 we are now recruiting a team to launch the new program. Once the program stabilizes this team will be folded into the Workshop Team Leadership. Current Steward: OPEN Responsibilities Keep CNC Router running and make modifications as needed. Encourage members to keep the area clean Run classes to educate members and …
Leadership Perks
Perks AMT thinks that you rock for stepping up! You are entitled to some perks: A free locker A fabulous new AMT T-Shirt 10 min. of free laser time a month/120 min. a year Free classes – any of the core competency classes 1x for free: Sewing 101 Bootcamp Laser 101 Any of the 101 …
Hospitality Steward
Current Steward: Sarah Doggett Choose the stock and talk with members about desirable snacks Organize the maintenance tasks to maintain the bar for Monster Corp helpers Order and receive goods from Costco Improve functionality over time (i.e. furniture, appliance, organization) Manage billing 8 hours a month minimum Skills needed: Purchasing and inventory management Great taste …
Leadership Teams
Leadership Resources Director Resources Officer Resources Instructor Resources Team / Steward Resources Board of Directors Cela Smith Rachel Sadd Board Meeting Notes and Reports Officers Executive Director: Crafty / Rachel Sadd Secretary: Open Treasurer: Steven Sheffield Fundraising Officer: (Open) Marketing Officer: (Open) Membership Coordinator: (Open) Vice President: Matt Cridland Volunteer Coordinator: (Open) Monster Corps Coordinator: …
Major Project Approval
This page serves to provide some basic information about how major projects work. *Funding for major project comes from the project/matching budget category *Major project require approval of the president *Major projects require an executive sponsor *The executive sponsor of these projects is responsible for finding funding *Major project need to have a project plan including: …