Make/Model: WEN Model JN8504 General Information What is a biscuit joiner? A biscuit joiner or biscuit jointer (or sometimes plate joiner) is a woodworking tool used to join two pieces of wood together. A biscuit joiner uses a small circular saw blade to cut a crescent-shaped hole (called the mouth) in the opposite edges of two pieces of wood or wood composite panels. An oval-shaped, highly …
Author: Karl Kumbier
Team Shop Meeting Notes 5/17/2023
Attendees Karl, Cody, Alex Wiki post maker: Karl Agenda New Policy for Tool Maintenance Discussion- 10 to 20 min. – We are currently driving tools into the ground by not maintaining them at all. Proposed policy: No maintenance = tool goes down Team okay Auto reminders – warning, warning (oil light concept) Create content ($) …

Large Scale Resin Pour Policy
Please note that these rules are provisional, and program support is still iterating. Please note the policies described below refer to large-scale resin/epoxy pour. Things like doing fills on tabletops. This is not the policy for smaller projects that can be cured on the drying curing racks used in Art and during Art workshops. Product …

Spline jig
Overview This jig is designed to cut splines — thin wooden strips fit into matching slots — in a miter joint using the table saw. Splines are used to both to add mechanical strength to a joint and as accents. Setup & use The spline jig can be found in the front room of the …

Doweling jig
Overview This jig is designed to drill perpendicular holes for dowels. Setup & use The doweling jig can be found in the front room of the workshop in the grey bins. It should be returned there after use. See this manual or the video below for basic use.

Tenon jig
Overview This jig is designed to cut tenons on the table saw. See here for an in-depth overview of the tenon jig. Setup & use The tenon jig can be found in the front room of the workshop against the back wall (behind the jointer). It should be returned there after use. Unplug the table …