Use By NonMembers

The public, non-members, are always welcome at Ace Makerspace meetings and events, unless specifically excluded. Ace Makerspace strives to provide opportunities to the local community and frequently opens its doors to the general public for classes and workshops.


There are several restrictions put in place to ensure the safety of our members, the space, and equipment.


Use outside of a class

Non-members must be sponsored directly by a member to be in the space working independently on a project or utilizing the tools when outside the scope of a class or workshop. Non-members should not be in the space without a member being present and that person being responsible for him.


A member’s responsibility for a sponsored non-member are to ensure that the non-member:

  • Follow proper safety guidelines
  • Understands proper use of tools and equipment
  • Has signed proper liability waivers
  • Clean up after themselves


Non-members may use tools that do not require certification, but must review the wiki page about that tool if they are unfamiliar with its use.


Once the member’s responsibilities are met the non-member need not be directly supervised, unless they are a minor {see Use By Minors}.


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