Bills are sent our regularly for the laser and the honor bar. Bills are due 15 days after billing. Overdue bills are lame. If you have had to be hunted down for the money then you should volunteer for a bill collection volunteer shift. You are sent a minimum of 3 emails before there are …
Tag: member communications
Emails from Ace Makerspace
Copy from How ace works deck. Draft placeholder
In Space Communications
Strategically posted signage can be found in various locations but can turn into visual noise. We try to keep things at a minimum. Point of Occupancy Tracking (POOT) Stations These are the check in and check out tablets at each “zone” of Ace. Bulletin Boards There are 3 bulletin boards in the makerspace: At the …
How to file a complaint
If you have a complaint about: The behavior of another member toward you Behavior that made you uncomfortable in the space Member belongings that made the space unsafe Messes that a specific member left that made the space hard to use Fill out this form If you are uncomfortable filling out the form for …
Notification Bear
Notification bear has important messages for you about space and tool use. If you move notification bear to use a tool please put him back when you are done. [[File:Notification-bear.png|600px]] [[Category:Officer Resources]][[Category:Steward Resources]]
How to report on equipment
Reasons to log activity The thing acting strangely The thing is broken The thing is fixed People need to know about the thing You cleaned or maintained the thing How to log activity In Slack Go to the relevant channel Type: /asset AMT### your update. Example /asset AMT001 Up. Rails cleaned and lubricated. Slackbot will …