The shelves to the left of the laser shown below are basic member storage
- No waste board especially in the bottom (see photo below)
- All goods must be tagged
- All goods must fit without spilling or poking out excessively
- Untagged materials in this area are available for member use. Be polite about how much you help yourself to… materials are for sharing and only take what you will use for your current project.

- This is not a good place to store your entire stash of laser materials. Only store the materials you will use in the next two weeks
- Do not put tiny pieces of scrap on the material shelves.
- Do not leave larger pieces with only a small usable area for other in the materials bings.
- Materials can be stored here for up to two weeks by members using the tagging system in general laser material storage.
- To store a few items, tape them together and tag the bundle with a blue tag.
- Any untagged items on the laser shelves are available for use, please use what you need then cut off excess waste material and return usable material to the shelves for community use.
- Cut off the waste parts of your material before returning to scrap!
- Draw lines in Lasersoft and cut off the used-up pieces to keep scrap nice and user-friendly.
- Only leave the usable bit in scrap. Remove the cut-up section and pack it out with you.
- Good rule of thumb is wood should be bigger than an half sheet of paper
- Acrylic at least a quarter sheet of paper.
- Expect to pack out your waste material. Use the provided trash bags from the cleaning cabinet in storage.
- If it doesn’t fit on the scrap rack please take it with you.
- Pack out your waste material, there is no trash service in the building and it will cost ACE money if you leave your trash.
- If it is smaller than half a piece of 8.5×11 paper it is okay for the trash bins