The library supplies are located on the bins on the shelves in the Member Storage area behind the laser. Each bin has a yellow tag listing its contents. This index is duplicated below for easy reference.
- Staging box, for gathering supplies for specific workshops: includes a tablecloth, powerstrip and brochures
- Bin 1: Extension cors, power strips, connectors
- Bin 2: Project: Cross stitch LED embroidery
- Bin 3: Craft foam
- Bin 4: Cutting mats, Soldering mats, Misc Project Kits, Kit Packaging
- Bin 5: Tape for projects
- Bin 6: Cosplay kits & kit supplies
- Bin 7: Markers/crayons
- Bin 8: Button making refills
- Bin 9: Bristle Bots
- Bin 10: Plushie friends
- Bin 11: Glue guns and glue sticks for projects
- Bin 12: Scissors & cutting tools
- Bin 13: Card-making & art papers
- Bin 14: Paints & painting for projects
- Bin 15: LED Batteries & Calavera
- Bin 16: Construction Paper for projects
- Bin 17: LEDs for projects
- Bin 18: Cosplay: Fairy Wing Workshop
- Bin 19: Battery operated lights
- Bin 20: Soft circuit supplies & tools
- Bin 21: Littles Kit
- Bin 22: Glue & glue sticks
- Bin 23: Coin cell batteries for projects
- Bin 24: Jewelry making general tools & genie finding & beads
- Bin 25: Button-making “GO” box
- Bin 26: Leather working tools & projects: wallets/feathers/bracelets
- Bin 27: General craft supplies