General Info
Ace has six ABC multipurpose dry chemical type fire extinguishers and one BC type CO2 fire extinguisher in Laser. General information about the types and uses of fire extinguishers can be found here.
What to do ANY TIME you use a fire extinguisher
- For large fires and electrical fires, CALL 911 FIRST!
- For small fires that you can successfully put out on your own using an extinguisher, be sure to document when, where, and how the fire started.
- Post in the relevant Slack channel that there has been a fire and mark tools down using /asset and signage.
- Ping @facilities and @officers on Slack and let them know there has been a fire.
- Label the discharged fire extinguisher with blue tape and set it aside in Org Storage in 113 so Ops can have it recharged and replaced.
Coworking/Textiles: 1x on the far wall by the emergency exit stairs
Laser: 1x CO2 fire extinguisher by the laser main switch. DO NOT USE THIS CO2 EXTINGUISHER ON TRASH OR WOOD. It is for liquids and electrical fires only.
Metal/Storage: 1x on the wall by the door
Workshop: 1x on the wall by the double doors
CNC: 1x on the CNC desk. Note: This fire extinguisher needs a proper home and signage as of 2/20/24.
Clean Fab: 1x by Electronics light well and 1x by staircase light well
Fire Extinguisher Service
Our fire extinguishers are serviced by Acme Fire Extinguishers in Oakland. They must be maintained yearly in September. Call the number on the green tags to schedule service.