Shop Basics Certification is required for all members wanting to use the workshops or metal shop. This Class (and certification) is a pre-requisite or co-requisite in many shop classes. Effective Dates Existing Members… There’s a 90-day grace period to complete your certification so that you can continue using the Ace Shops If you’ve taken Shop Basics …
Category: Tool Certification
Certifiers Toolkit
This page is no longer applicable as of 2023. Please note. We used to have a test-out program for experienced users. We no longer offer this option. It was unsustainable with our tiny staff. We tried with volunteers but the volunteer base and availability were too erratic… folks would move or become unavailable right after …
Ace Certification Instructors
THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER OFFERED. IT WAS UNSUSTAINABLE. Learn more about tool certification here. The amazing list of volunteers listed below can certify experienced tool users. Please be mindful that they are volunteers and not staff when planning to meet for certification. Specialists Name: Crafty Rachel General availability: Afternoons, Monday and Wednesday Preferred communication …
Tool Certifications
What is certification Certification means that Ace has a reasonable certainty you have the knowledge to use the tool without hurting yourself or breaking the tool. We provide education where class attendees leaving with the information they need in order to safely operate the tool within the Ace framework and social contract. How to get …

AMT141 Epson 9880 Large Format Printer
Make/Model: Epson 9880 Documentation: Manual, FAQs Wide format printer main page
Guidelines for Giving Certification Tests
THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER OFFERED as of 1/1/2022. IT WAS UNSUSTAINABLE. Giving Tests Guidelines for tests Users can test for more than one tool per session, but they must book the time and pay the fee per tool All people need to have a release of liability on file before doing the test. Note: …