Basic Member Storage in Suite #113

The shelves to the right of bike storage in #113 are considered basic member BIN storage. If your stuff can’t fit in a bin don’t put it there.

  • Use Ace provided bin
  • One bin per member
  • All goods must fit in your bin with the lid closed
  • Do not take bins home
  • All bins must be tagged
  • NO GLUE UPS ON THE SHELVES with clamps or wet glue

Project Storage

There is set of open shelves in #113 marked Project storage. They are specifically for short-term project storage. They are not for general materials storage or Ace organization project storage.

  • All items on these shelves need to belong to a member and be properly tagged.
  • Projects should not overhang the shelves by more than 2 inches in any direction.
  • Members should use ladders to safely access the top shelves.
  • Be considerate about how much storage you use for longer periods of time. For example: Using 30% of the storage for 2-3 weeks while you build something is okay. Using 30% of the storage for several months or more, not okay.
  • Put. your project on the best shelf to save space. ie: Little project should go on the bottom shelf.
    • Staff may move member projects to create more space in this area. Notice will go out whenever that happens.
  • Use the provided shrink wrap to keep your projects neat and tidy
  • NO GLUE UPS ON THE SHELVES with clamps or wet glue
black project shelves
Check out that free awesome shrink wrap!
Shelves for projects - black ones
The top of the unit and the top shelf are for org projects

Using the Flex Area

There is a flexible area in Storage (suite #113). Members can put up a folding table and use them for finishing and to leave glue-ups overnight. If the area is already in use you will have to wait your turn!

Please observe the following etiquette for the flex space:

  • Call Dibs on the space when you need it.
  • Ask before moving Org or Member projects.
  • Pay attention to other dibs and classes that may need that area.
  • This area is not for builds. Just finishing and letting glue-ups dry please.
  • Do not use any sanding or wood sawing tools in this room. it will ruin metal shop equipment and make a mess of org things. It also is not good for our laser.


Glue-up and Finishing Projects

Please observe the following etiquette for glue-ups:

  • Do not block shelves or the bike parking area
  • DO NOT put wet or clamped glue-ups on shelves or on the floor
  • Use a folding table not the floor
  • Plan on no more than 48 hours for your glue-ups, preferably 24 hours (If you need community help cause you can’t come back, ask for it)
  • Always post a photo to #workshop on Slack and let folks know when you will be back and when they can pull the Ace Clamps so they can use them (Note that etiquette previously asked folks to post to #general on Slack which is no longer required)
  • Always blue-tag your stuff


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