Candidates for the Board for July 2016 Election – 3 seats Then term for these seats ends December 2016. Three of the seats are up for election in June 2016: Crafty Rachel, Ben Hanna, and John Burnham. The other 2 seats will be up for election in six months, next December. NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. BALLOTS WILL …
Author: devamtwiki
January 2018 Board Election
CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE YOURSELF Candidates for the Board for January 2018 Election – 2 seats The AMT Board consists of 5 members who serve for one year each. Three of the seats are up for election in January 2018 : Jacob LaBay, Pierre Grandin and Mark Johnsen. The other 2 seats will be up …
January 2017 Board Election
Candidates for the Board for January 2017 Election – 3 seats The AMT Board consists of 5 members who serve for one year. Three of the seats are up for election in January 2017: Ben, Pierre, and Ray. The other 2 seats will be up for election in six months. Nominations are now closed. Voting will …
How to set up a board election
Call for nominees Create google form for people to use to self-nominate (I usually update the old form or make a copy) Create Wiki page for this election (pick up and edit the page from the last election) Post in the Newsletter Announce on Slack. The call for nominations should last about 2-3 weeks. Set …
Dec 2014 Board Election
Candidates for the Board for December 18, 2014 Election – 2 seats Al [ Sergio Mairena] Asa Durkee The AMT Board consists of 5 members. Two of the seats are up for election in December 2014: Sergio and Rachel1.0, for a year term. The other 3 seats will be up for election in six months, …
April 2016 Board Election
Candidates for the Board for April 2016 Election – 2 seats Then term for these seats ends December 2016. NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. BALLOTS WILL BE MAILED SHORTLY. ELECTIONS WILL CLOSE THURSDAY APRIL 28 at 8:00 PM. Results will be announced that evening at 8:10, at the meeting. Chris O’Sullivan – Raymond Kong Pierre …
2014 Winter Board Election
Current nominations: Sergio Mairena Drew Dibble Mischa Aron Rachel1.0 Jonathan S Steve B Marc L Robbie T Process [[Image:Voting.gif|center|Voting.gif]] The AMT Board Consists of 5 members. We’re going to use a Condorcet voting process. Everyone gets to rank the available candidates from 1 to 10 (or however many there are), then some complicated algorithm determines …
2014 Q2 Board Election
Current Nominations for the Board for June 19, 2014 Election David D. Drew D. Mischa S. Robbie T. Atom B. Steve S. We have three seats up for election for a year long term (Al, Drew, David D). Two seats will be up in December (Sergio, Rachel). Process [[Image:Voting.gif|center|Voting.gif]] The AMT Board Consists of 5 …
2013 Board Election
Current nominations: Al Anup Atom Christian Crafty Rachel David R David D Lance Mischa Stefan Garratt Process [[Image:Voting.gif|center|Voting.gif]] The AMT Board Consists of 5 members. We’re going to use a Condorcet voting process. Everyone gets to rank the available candidates from 1 to 10 (or however many there are), then some complicated algorithm determines …
2012 Special Election
Current Nominations for the Board Shoshana Abrass Costa Lance Mischa Robbie Stefan Elections was held and we welcomed Shoshana as our newest board member. Current Nominations for the Board Chair Position must be filled by a board member and the dates of such a decision will be determined at the [ December 23rd board meeting] …