AMT428 LO-1600W Laser Chiller

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Q1600 Water Chiller

Make/Model: Light Object Q1600 Water Chiller

Once per week, ACE staff will post a picture of the water level to the #laser channel in Slack – this helps us keep track of the water level over time.

Water level is visible through the front of the device as long as it isn’t at 100% – in which case, the level will be above the Full mark.

Please only add water to the unit if it the level is near (within an inch of) the Empty mark. And always use the /asset command to tell someone that you have added water. Make sure to only use distilled water.

There is also a minimum height indicator on the water level display:


You may find it difficult to see the water level! – if so, we recommend using a flashlight to shine on the vertical column, and you should be able to see the water level



LO-1600W Water Chiller instruction

LO-1600W(Q)-Quick Start


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