Git Branching

All repos ( will have the following branches.


This is the “gold” version of the work that is in production and in staging.  (User acceptance process will be promoted directly from staging landscape to live – the lag between staging and production will be within a day or two).

Minor tweaks and fixes to issues found in live site will be worked on this base code with a hotfix branch.

This also includes the “release candidate” version of the completed dev. work ready for user acceptance.  Code from this branch will be deployed in a corresponding staging environment for users to validate functionality before promotion.

All dev. complete, ready for UAT will be pulled into this branch.  All pull-requests will target this branch.

Feature branches (dev environment)

This is the playground version of the work in progress.  Individual feature branches will use this as the basis and developers will rebase their code before issuing a pull request.

In shared hosted services such as wp-engine (dev instances will be used for dev. feature releases).  Since it is shared it is the responsibility of the developer committing her changes to the environment to drop a line in #amt-software and do a smoke test.

Production hot fixes will be pulled from Master branch titled appropriately (referring maybe Asana id and “hot-fix” included in the name) and changes made will be promoted directly to master branch.  This change will be synchronized to Dev branch as well.

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