Toybot is the integration in slack that bring all the awesome reporting. It is a slack bot in the hubot framework written in javascript/coffeescript.
There are many juicy technical details and the source code of toybot here:[]
What to do to fix / diagnose toybot when it is broke:
1. ssh to server ( )
2. notice it rebooted a couple days ago, wonder if thats the problem
3. check `free -h` and `df -h`, neither disk nor ram is maxed out
4. `cat /etc/rc.local` because you think toybot was set to autostart but forget exact command
5. run the command to start toybot that you found in there `sudo -u toybot /home/toybot/`
oh also `ps aux | grep -hubot` to see if anything was running at first (nothing was)
Toybot upgrade Spring 2016
Done as Slack Chatbot
[[Category:Slack]][[Category:AMT Software]]