Make/Model: Model 6902 Heavy Duty Motor – model 1001 Router Base Documentation: Manual General Information What is a router? The router[a] is a power tool with a flat base and a rotating blade extending past the base. The spindle may be driven by an electric motor or by a pneumatic motor. It routs (hollows out) an area in hard material, such as wood or …
Tag: cable
AMT190 Ironton Cord Reel with Triple Tap
Make/Model: 49666 Documentation: Manual Pictures General Information This is essentially an extension cord on a reel. Logs

AMT081 Porter Cable Router in Router Table
Make/Model: Porter Cable 7518 this is installed in the router table attached to the rolling sanding station. Documentation: RouterTable-PorterCable7518-manual RouterLift-BenchDogProLift-manual RouterTable-BenchDog40-102-ProMax-Extension2 About the Router Table The Router table consists of a 5-speed Porter Cable 7518 3.25 hp router mounted in a Bench Dog Prolift router lift, which in turn is mounted mobile workbench. We …