Slack Moderation

  • Slack is moderated by various officers and members officially appointed as moderators.
  • In rare cases, a moderator may ask a poster to remove their posts or delete the post with content that is not inline with AMT community values and would be considered harmful if left up.
  • If it is the moderator’s judgment that the posts are harmful to the community, derail the discussion, are harassing, or are generally harmful to the community the moderator (in rare cases) may suspend a conversation.
  • Moderators ensure that all discussion is respectful and that all channels are active and therefore useful to the community. What that means is up to the discretion of the individual moderator.
  • Moderators may also ask participants to take topics to other channels. For example, a conversation about LEDs may be asked to move to electronics. Or a conversation about router bits may be asked to move to the CNC Router or Workshop channels.
  • New channels are created only with moderator/admin permission. This is at the discretion of the moderators.
  • Current regular moderators are Crafty Rachel, team stewards, and occasionally board members.

Archiving Channels:

  • The current working policy (loosely enforced) is that if a topic-specific channel not associated with a specific AMT Program is inactive for more than 60 days it will be archived.
  • If there is renewed interested down the line it may be de-mothballed.
  • It is considered polite to announce on that channel that it is being considered for archiving prior to doing so – it may spur life.

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