Ace has supplies ready for screen-printing using fabric, paper, mylar sheets, and photo emulsion.
Supplies for Member Use
A subset of screen printing supplies and tools previously used for classes at Ace are available for member use as of October 2024. Screen printing supplies for member use are located in a bin in the Art Shelves in Clean Fab.
When you use Ace’s screen printing supplies, please be sure to do it up in Clean Fab and use the utility sink in the hall for cleanup.

Supplies for Screen Printing Workshops
All supplies still dedicated for classes can be found in metals storage unless otherwise noted.
General List of All Supplies
This list of supplies is a general list of all supplies on-site at Ace cataloged as of August 2021.
Supplies for Screens
- Large wooden frames (2): inner dimensions 10” x 14”
- Small wooden frames (3): inner dimensions 8” x 10”
- Base attachments with hinges (2): inner dimensions 17” x 13.5”
- Base attachment (1): inner dimensions 21” x 13”
- Mesh material: for creating new screens
- Plastic and wooden shims – more can be found in woodshop
- Additional screws and hinges – can be found in woodshop
Supplies for Stencils
- Adhesives: Blair Spray Adhesive, Elmer’s Craft Bond Spray Adhesive
- Stencil paper and frisket film: for creating stencils to attach onto frames
- Cutting implements: scissors, fabric scissors, rotary blades, craft knives, laser cutter (certification needed)
- Speedball drawing fluid and screen filler (x2): for drawing fluid and scree
n filler method of screen-printing
- Speedball diazo photo emulsion and diazo photo emulsion remover: for photo emulsion method of screen-printing – this may be past shelf-life
- Pre-made stencils
Supplies for printing and finishing
- General purpose screen-printing inks
- Textile/fabric screen-printing inks
- Squeegees, varying sizes: for pulling and pushing ink through your screen
- Fabric: knit fabric, woven fabric, and heavyweight fabric for printing on
- Professional textile detergent (1 bottle): used as pre-wash to get out excess ink