We hold 4 tours a month currently. They are held on the
1st and 3rd Wednedays at 7pm
2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12pm (noon)
of each month. In order to run these tours, Ace needs 2 tour guides- one to take Wednesday nights and one to take Saturday afternoons.
The basic description
Show up on every tour date 10 minutes ahead of time, let people in the building, give them the tour, and make sure tour participants know how to get more information at the end. This will happen twice a month and should take at most 1.5 hours a tour. You are also responsible for covering your shift or communicating when you cannot make it.
- Learn the tour script. This is best done by shadowing someone, but reading through the script can be enough. You may bring a copy of the script with you to refer to it, but you should be familiar with it before you give your first tour. The tour script can be found here: Ace Tour Script
- Look on the Ace calendar site at least 10 minutes before each tour to find out how many people have signed up for the tour. It is capped at 20 and the website should either tell you how many spaces are taken or how many are available (you subtract that number from 20 to find how many participants will show up)
- Show up reliably twice a month on the scheduled days
- Show up 10 minutes before the tour to walk around the rooms and see what is happening in each one and if you will need to make any adjustments. For example, if someone is in the woodshop sanding and would not like to pause as the tour comes through, figure out what parts of the tour of the workshop you can give outside of the room and what parts you need to point out in the room. After you walk around the rooms please check by the front door to see if anyone is waiting to be let in
- Let the tour participants in the building
- Make sure all tour participants have signed the guest waiver on the website
- Lead the tour. It should take 45 min- 1 hour
- Answer any questions. If you don’t know the answer., direct them to where they can find the answer (the wiki, slack, email etc)
- Communicate regularly with your lead about how things are going, what needs to be changed, and keep the tour talking points up to date
- If you must miss a tour:
- If it is a planned absence (like a vacation), please find another Ace member to train and give the tour in your stead. They then need to fulfill this list of responsibilities
- If it is an unplanned absence (like illness), please let your lead know. You also need to find someone to put a sign on the front door saying that the tour is canceled. This sign should include the date the tour is canceled. Next time you go to Ace, please remove the sign