Social Media
We post on Facebook, Instagram, linked in, twitter, and operate on several other social media platforms. Header images and brand copy should be somewhat consistent across all platforms while still being effective.
Common image sizes
Two ratios we commonly use are (even when they are not “perfect” per each platform but close.
- 2:1 ratio at 1080px x 540px
- Facebook, twitter, featured images on blog posts, linkedIn
- 1:1 ratio at 1080px x 1080px
- Instagram, twitter
Additional image sizes frequently used.
- 2:1 ratio at 2160px x 1080px
- Eventbrite event images
- 1280 x 350 – Responsive banners
- Home Page Banner
- On TAP overview page image clipped to 150px high
- On program pages image clipped to 250px high
Storage, sharing, and naming
We currently share images on an Ace own google drive associated with Crafty’s official account. In the future, if needed these drive assets are easily transferable to another user. Personal cloud space should not be used for the final home of ace assets.

1-1 Social Media Ready and 2-1 Social Media Ready contain ready to go cropped and corrected images at ratio.
About File Naming
File naming in the Social Media Ready folders follows uses a prefix based on the program. Use a dash after the prefixt before adding a descriptor.
- 3d = 3D printing program
- ace = general ace stuff and people
- bar = being anti-racist
- cnc = cnc program
- coworking = coworking program
- csp = COVID-19 Safety Program
- electronics = electronics
- laser = laser program
- metal = metal working program
- ocppe = Oakland Community PPE
- storage = storage program
- workshop = workshop program and woodworking
Canva allows for the quick creation of branded social media content and has a user friendly interface for reel editing, animations, and for automatically converting content between formats for different social media platforms and post types.
- Brand kit currently includes brand colors and fonts. To be created: brand templates.
- Ai tools available as of 11/9/23 are a mixed bag/still need some improvement. The magic grab tool, background remover, and magic erase are great. So are the magic convert tools that allow you to quickly reformat posts between aspect ratios without loss of content.
- When you create content, save the file in the program specific folder.
Hash Tags for Social Media
Update 11/9/23: Current best practice is to use no more than 3-5 #s in the caption of a post. There are 4 main types of hashtags:
- Location: hashtags specific to where we are located
- Audience: hashtags our maker community
- Topical: trending hashtags and
- Industry: hashtags used by our peer organizations and industry companions/similar businesses
It’s a good idea to try and use a mix of these types of hashtags in order to reach our target audience.
You can use location in combination with a program keyword to target an audience. For example #oaklandwoodworking #bayareasewists #eastbayart
#oakland #eastbay #bayarea #berkeley #oaklandmakerspace #eastbaymakerspace #berkeleymakerspace #bayareamakerspace #northerncalifornia #california #lakemerrit
Here are a few examples of audience specific hashtags, there are many, many more than listed here.
#makers #community #diy #makersgonnamake #makeit #lasercutearrings #makerbussiness #shoplocal #queerartist #handmadecrafts #3dprintingfabric #modernfurniture #womenintech #knittersofinstagram #woodisgood #lasercutting #lasercutgifts
These tend to change quite a bit. When writing posts in Meta Business they will suggest trending hashtags and show you how often they are used. Though Ace doesn’t use Meta Business to schedule most posts its a good idea to check the trends every once in a while.
#woodworking #wood #lasercutting #acrylics #laser #glowforge #handtools #furniture design #knitting #yarn #yarnies #sewing #sewinglove #textiles #3dprinting #maker #makerspace #hacker #coworking #hackerspace #coding #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #makesomething #custom #shopsmall #smallbussiness #community #crafts #furniture #modernfurniture #art #artistsofinstagram #robotics #hardware #ai #events #shoplocal #classes #diy #modernquilt #fiberarts #fiberart #sewingclass #quiltclass #sewingmachine #sewists #sew #gifts #beginnerclasses #woodworkingclasses #learntosew #learnto3dprint #workshop #studio #builders #upcycle #metalworking #makersgonnamake #arduino #paint #paintingclasses #art #paintingparty #embroidery #makermovement #makerfaire #makingisliving #3dprinted #3dprints #3dprint #welding
#acemakerspace #makerspace #makingisforeveryobody #makers #workshop #lasercutter #textiles #3dprinting #explore #curiousity #staycurious #tinker #discover #invent #learning #education #nonprofit #art #community #bayarea #eastbay
#art #paint #fridaynightart #acemakerspacee #acrylics #acrylicpaint #create #paintbrush
#cnc #woodworking #metalworking #computers #numericalcontrol #vcarve #fusion360 #publicaccess #acemakerspace #makerspace
3D Printing
#3Dprinting #3Dprinter #filament #polymer #printer #acemakerspace #makerspace #maker #makers
#electronics #electronicsnight #electrical #soldering #circuits #raspberrypi #Ace #Acemakerspace #makerspace #maker #cleanfab #arduino
#lasercutter #laser #laseretching #certification #acemakerspace #makerspace #makers #textiles #leather # wood #laserbasics
Open Lab
#Sewing #openlab #stitching #stitch #textiles #sewists #ace #acemakerspace #makerspace #maker #sewingandtextilesopenlab #thread #pins #needles #sewingmachine
#sewing #sewing101 #sewingbootcamp #textiles #sewingmachine #stiching #acemakerspace #makerspace #makers
#sewcial #sewing #textiles #makerspace #acemakerspace #maker #sewcial night
Weekly tour
#tour #explore #create #makingisforeverybody #weeklytour #acemakerspace #newmembers #prospectivemembers #members #seeforyourself #makerspace #ace #discover
#woodworking #worskhop #tools #build #sand #makerspace #acemakerspace #makers #panelsaw #jointer #planer #router #sanders #mitersaw #panelsaw #saw
Community Benefit
Quilts for Veterans
#quiltsforveterans #veterans #quilts #mutualaid #care #50Quilts #sewing #textiles #makerspace #acemakerspace #makers #quiltstories #quilting
This page is meant to be a hub for all this good stuff.
[ Check this out to learn more about the difference between these things].
== Tools ==
Marketing/PR tools consist of content, identity and marketing materials we use to distribute our message and/or forward our campaigns
==== Identity collateral ====
*Business cards – Board members and officers get personal cards
*Generic AMT calling cards – messaging includes basic info plus how to participate – Available for all members to use
*Stationery – done as needed
*Logos – soon to be available on line in many formats with guidelines (including color)
==== PR Kit
This will be the primary tool we use for outreach
Contents will be gathered in a nice folder and include:
*Introduction – WWW, mission, contacts (single page)
*Projects and people (several pages)
*Media (one page)
Print/Production notes: the plan is to print 10 of the kits to start. We will be using nice black pocket folders that we will laser cut a logo into. The materials inside will be printed on nice paper in the shop, and then both laser cutting and block printing will be added.
Contents will also be leveraged online in an as yet to be determined way.
==== Video
A great introduction video about the space that is edgy and short and fun will be created and then distributed in various ways including given to the press upon request.
== Ongoing activities ==
==== Open houses
Open house / game nights will be held every 6 to 8 weeks with several levels of promotion. A budget for promotion, food and libation should be set up.
*Schedule next one – Proposed date: September 12th
*Promotion: Post Flyers (not cards this time), hit social media, build distribution database
*Results of first OH (good, got the headcount, Flyers = $124, Food+ MISC=$54 Total spent = $178 (approx. $50 more donated to cover total cost of about $228) – Touch base with Dave to check membership increases on August 18th to determine other ROI.
==== Announce newsletter
This is a newletter pushed out to subscribers every two weeks. Contents include:
*Calendar of AMT events for the next 30 days
*Equipment summary and new equipment announcements – from the discuss list
*Project summaries and opportunities (also from meeting notes and outside sources… hoping to build affinity relationships with org’s and business to flesh out)
*Outside events of interest (gathered ad-hoc)
*General news summary (created from meeting notes)
Launch on or before August 8th.
==== Social media ====
*Ensure calendars and events are up to date (weekly) – Help needed for this! We would like to make it happen every tuesday 😉
*Blog – More blog entries (populate the facebook page too!)
== Campaigns
==== Awareness
”’Goal:”’ Create awareness and establish identity with the local community.
”’Strategy:”’ Establish branding, ongoing activities and targeted activites to introduce ourselves
”’Duration:”’ Initial push from June 2012 to January 2013
”’Audience:”’ EVERYONE! Well not quite
”’Actions: ”’
*See ongoing activites
*30 day geo specific instructables ad camp
*Ad on
*EB Mini-maker faire
*Chabot – Night School
==== Affinity
”’Goal: ”’Foster reciprocal relationship with other orgs, hackerspaces, and local business that are mutually beneficial
”’Strategy: ”’Establish branding, ongoing activities and targeted activites to introduce ourselves
”’Duration: ”’Initial push from September 2012 to January 2013
”’Audience:”’ Relevant businesses and organizations (hardware/art stores, art schools, art collectives, BUSD, Hackermoms, etc.)
*Schedule a meeting in the first 2 weeks of August with Hackermoms core peeps and AMT Board and officers (and members who really care that want to come) – Meeting to be held offsite
*More stuff to be brainstormed
== Marketing and PR distribution channels ==
[ Click here to learn about] the venues we use to distribute our message. Example: Newsletters, posting on facebook, direct conversation, flyers.