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Call for nominees
- Create google form for people to use to self-nominate (I usually update the old form or make a copy)
- Create Wiki page for this election (pick up and edit the page from the last election)
- Post in the Newsletter
- Announce on Slack.
- The call for nominations should last about 2-3 weeks.
Set up voting
- Set up a blog post with the interview information from the nominations
- Set up a Newsletter article with then nominee information
- Set up a poll at:
- Pull a list of all current voting members
- Email out ballots
- Voting period is usually 2 weeks.
- Send out 2 general reminders to slack
- Send out 2-3 nagging emails to the voting list… do not resend to anybody who told you they voted.
Announce results
- Close the Poll
- Email the folks who didn’t win thanking them for running
- Send and email to the folks that did win
- Announce on slack
Onboard and continue announcing
- Assign Director Onboard to somebody on the board to onboard their new fellows
- Steps outlined in asana task template for complete Director Onboarding and Offboarding
- Get the interview text and update the About page on the website
- Requires rewriting blurbs
- Write article on new directors in Newsletters