== First add the item to the website == The instructions below are for physical products. Subscriptions and other virtual products follow a different set up. *Take pictures **Edit the picturesto be at least 600 x 600 (they must be sqare if you opt for larger *See woo-commerce for basic instrucitons on how to add …
Category: Operations
How to Apply a Discount to a Subscription
Note: Only users with admin access on the WordPress can perform this task. Log into your admin account on the WordPress and go to the site dashboard. Find the “All Users” tab under “Users” in the sidebar and click it. Search for the member that needs their membership to be updated. Find the member and …
How to block a member
== On the membership platform == *Make them blocked in the database *Cancel any pending and failed orders *Make any needed refunds *Send Legal Notices == Provisional Members == [Content TBD – what to do when blocking a provisional member that is dues current. May need to decided on auto or manual email] == Full …
How to suspend or cancel membership
Ace members control their own membership accounts and are responsible for canceling their own membership. Things to know about “pausing” or canceling a membership: There are no start-up or cancellation fees You cannot technically put your membership on hold, you have to cancel your membership subscription. This does not remove or delete your Ace account. …
How to update our wordpress site
Plugins need to be updated fairly regularly. We also have customized bits and pieces as well as a good number of integrations. There is a github Steps to running plugin updates Announce your intentions on the site channel Research the updates in question… look for fails and recommendations in the documentation before you decided to …
How to use the AMT Dropbox
AMT has a paid drop box account that we use for exchanging videos and pictures used in space promotion and general good vibes type stuff. There are some guidelines. We have specific folders in the drop box for specific things ”’Backgrounds”’ – These are large images that work well to be used as backgrounds for …
How to use the Ace wiki
The Ace wiki is an amazing resource for members. Finding information There is a lot of information. Use the Ajax search bars or the program pages to find what you are looking for on this wiki. Sourcing information to correct, update, or contribute to this wiki is contextual. If you are not an expert on …
Minding the Store
We use the following things on our website to manage member accounts and process transactions: *Wordpress *WooCommerce *WooCommerce Memberships *WooCommerce Subscriptions *WooCommerce Name Your Price Running the store requires regular processing of orders and a bunch of other tasks. Detailed instructions can be found at woocommerce.com but I will attempt to at least outline some …
Website Roles
=== Site Administrators === *President *Vice President *Membership Coordinator *Monster Corps Coordinator === Editor === *Marketing Coordinator === Shop Manager === *Treasurer *Fundraising Officer [[Category:Director Resources]][[Category:Officer Resources]][[Category:Steward Resources]][[Category:AMT Software]]
Previous Budgets
Budget Creation Committee Composition: ideally comprised of 2 Directors, 2 Officers, 2 Stewards, and 2 Members. The budget committee uses data and ideas formatted as a tabletop game to posit, debate and vet ideas regarding spending and ultimately craft the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget. This is approximately a 12-hour commitment over the course of the …