Author: devamtwiki

Mojo Demo

There is a plan in the works to visit [ Avocet Sales & Marketing], the local rep for the [ Mojo 3d printer]. They have one in the office and are willing to demo it for us. Current interested parties are: * It doesn’t matter; the thing is scheduled! Feel free to just show up. …

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Instructables Build Night

Instructables is reaching out to hackerspaces to encourage them to post instructables by sponsoring pizza and some materials for a build night. —- Here is the info from Carley via Rachel McConnel: ==July Build Night== The July Build Night features Sugru: JULY BUILD NIGHT We are partnering with sugru for our July 2013 build night. …

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Instructables 10 project

‘This is the home of notes and a proposed list of projects for the Instructables "submit ten cool things" program. There is a couple of juicy prizes. Dave Donovan is currently the lead on this project. ”’NOTE: Our Application has been submitted. We are still waiting to hear back. Thanks to all those who participated!”’ …

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High Altitude Balloon

This is the project page for Ace Monster Toy’s High Altitude Ballon Project Initial thoughts on goals for the project *Fly a ballon into the stratosphere *Payload should include: *GPS tracker to record the location and altitude of the payload throughout the flight and facilitate recovery *real-time telemetry radio transmitter *Camera to take video and …

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Heart On Belt Buckle

ZOMG!@! Look at these ridiculous things that I made! [[Image:HeartBuckles.jpg|200px|Buckles]] They’re heart shaped belt buckles that flash a red LED and the flashing gets faster the longer that they are next to each other! The guts are a CR2032 battery powering an ATTiny13A micro controller hooked up to a couple of reed switches and an …

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Head Mounted Display

This page was started to list Head Mounted Displays for R/C FPV applications, but HMDs have a wide variety of applications. ==Products== === [ Vuzix] === ==== [ Wrap 310xl]==== * Native Resolution: twin 428 x 240 * 26° FOV * 2-3/8" IOD * NTSC/PAL composite input * HeadTracking: NO * MSRP: $199.00 ====[ Wrap …

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Expanded PVC

Expanded PVC (also know as foam PVC) is an easily machinable plastic that can be sanded, painted, and glued. It is frequently used in sign-making and retail displays. Some common brand names for expanded PVC are Trovicel® and Sintra®. ==Sourcing== Members have purchased this material from [ Tap Plastics] (their store locations have a wider …

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Enfolding Shell Lamp Jig

Well, it works. What with the baby and all, it took me a few months, but dang. it works. So the project was to automate a time consuming part of these lamps that I make. The AMT crew was awesome in advising me on my first automated physical project of any kind. First time laser …

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Parts: Lightobject gantry USB Control board / stepper drivers (arduino w/ grbl + two mini stepper driver boards) Solenoids for pens Raspberry pi Webcam LCD Buttons Power supply Idea: Webcam takes image of user, with LCD showing stream so you can position correctly. Raspberry Pi runs filters on image to turn it into gcode, sends it …

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