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The Juki MO-655 is a serger featuring 2-needle, 2/3/4/5 thread overlock, with differential feed and chain stitch. The MO-655 has built-in rolled hemming, performs all the popular overlock and flatlock variations, and can create a secure 5-thread safety stitch perfect for sewing stretchy sportswear or breezy dresses.
Foot control, ⅔ thread converter, nets, spool caps, tweezers, cleaning brush, needle threader, small screwdriver, large screwdriver, oiler, dust cover, chainstitch seam guide plate
Common uses and applications:
Stretchy Fabric, finishing edges on any type of fabric
Juki MO-655 Serger
Documentation: Juki MO-655 Serger Manual
Juki MO-655 Demo Playlist
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