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This is the current metal cutting bandsaw aka “The Big Scary Thing”. It is for cutting metals and plastics. The blade moves much slower than the wood-cutting saw in the woodshop next door to this end.
Originally donated / constructed by Steve Berl.
“It is sort of home made, long ago. It has a very rigid welded steel frame and 2 drive trains, one for fast speeds and one for slow.”
The fast drive train has since been disconnected mechanically + electrically. Now it’s just a counterweight.
It does NOT have proper guards and should be approached with extreme caution during use.
Work that needs to be done to make it safer:
- Add belt guards
- Figure out a way to add crown to the wheels so the blade will stay centered better. As it is, the blade tension is flexing the frame a bit and the wheel alignment and blade tension change as you turn the adjustment knob.
- Upgrade blade guides to ball bearings instead of friction pads
Technical Details
Blade length
- Best blade length is 93-1/2″ or 7′ 9-1/2″. This doesn’t require any spacers under the upper wheel
Drive Belts and shaft/pulley sizes
Low speed motor
- From motor to right angle drive-belts: 1/2″ x 33.5″ long
- Angle drive to drive wheel shaft: 1/2″ x 60″
High speed drive (disconnected)
- 3/8″ or 1/2″ x 64″
- Main drive shaft: 0.763 (a shade bigger than 3/4″)
- High speed motor shaft: 3/4″
- Angle drive shaft: 3/4″
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