How to Pick up a Key Fob

Updated Jan 3, 2025

Getting your first fob

There are many ways to get your first fob.

If you are have any issues picking up a fob, please send a Slack message to #new-members on the Ace Slack Account, or email us at [email protected]

Getting a replacement fob, if you have lost yours:

Please post to #General in Ace’s Slack for assistance if you have lost your fob, so that someone with administrator access can help you get set up with a new one.

Please note that your fob is tied to your account. Even if you take a break from membership, once you renew or restart your membership, your existing fob will start working for you again. You will not need a new fob nor need to go through the activation process.


Steps to get a fob will be activated:

  1. Set up a member account and pay your dues on
  2. Sign your paperwork via links on your my My Account page via DocuSign
  3. Add your profile picture to your WordPress Profile
  4. Send an email to [email protected] stating that you are ready to come in to pick up your fob.

Our volunteer membership team process all fob activations.


Reactivating Fobs

If your membership was not active, but you still have your fob, rejoining or paying your dues will reactivate your fob if your account is up to date with the latest policies (see below). The fob reactivation process can take up to 1 hour from the time your membership is reactivated. This is the time it takes for all the doors and devices to see your info. This also assumes that your account is in good standing, all your paperwork is up to date, and so on.

As of December 2024, the following must be true to have an Ace account be fully active with a working fob:

  • The account must be current with all membership dues paid
  • The account must have no old unpaid bills on it
  • The membership paperwork must be on file.
  • A current recognizable photo of your face needs to be on your account
  • You must have an RFID code on file (aka your old or original fob). A member cannot check this but if you have an issue with your fob once you return, you can ask a staff member to check this for you.


  1. Kathy says:

    So I have my fob as I received it in person at the Hello Stitch tour/open house on 3/10/22. I’m now wanting to activate the fob. The only instructions I have found so far indicate that i must send an email to Ace with the number engraved on fob. Do I send a general email to the general Ace email address or to someone specific or a different way altogether? Would love it if I could access the sewing room on Saturday 3/12! But understand that it might take longer for my account to get completely set up.

    • crafty says:

      Hello Kathy,

      That isn’t quite accurate. When you picked up the fob, it came with a white piece of paper. On the paper were instructions to send the code on the paper to [email protected]

      The slip of paper has a big number on the bottom we need to add to your account so your fob is associated with you. I highly recommend coming to the New Member Workshop tomorrow morning (3/12) not only for the tasty donuts and workshop but because I can stay for a few min. after and help get your account activate.

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