Model: Honeywell 50250-S Documentation: PDF of Manual Maintenance: Every month check the prefilter and filter. Clean the pre-filter if needed. If clogged or very dirty replace. In laser, the prefilter should get replaced 2-4 times a year and the filter 2 times a year. Extra filters and prefilters are stored in labeled boxes on …
Category: Tools + Areas + Programs

AMT004 Pfaff 145 Sewing Machine
Make/Model: Pfaff 145 Documentation: Pfaff 145 Manual Description: The Pfaff 145 is a single needle walking foot sewing machine. It is ideal for sewing leather and upholstery fabrics – as well as canvas, vinyl, synthetics and other thick and heavyweight materials. A great machine to have for automotive and marine upholstery, furniture upholstery, bags, purses, …
How to cull laser materials storage
Culling and cleanup of the laser materials storage shelves including all shelving and the bottom bin. Culling and tagging is done according to the storage policy: [Storage] First, look through all the bins and remove any waste board that might have been stored in error. If the usable area is smaller than two hand widths, remove …
PDF manuals for laser cutter and software: LightObject LO-1600W Chiller Barracuda Laser Cutter Manual Old/Out of Date Links: [[File:Laser Manual1280.pdf|RTENOTITLE]] – Manual for EXLAS 1280 laser. Out of Date – We no longer use this software [[File:Lasercut5.3 Manual.pdf|RTENOTITLE]] – Software manual for the laser cutting software LaserCut 5.3 which is included with XYZ-Tech’s machines Out …
We are currently exploring obtaining a Laser Cutter. They are awesome because they cut things with lasers. The downside is they cost money. The idea currently being considered is a small group of people fund the laser cutter purchase, and put it into the space. Anyone can use it, but must pay a small fee. …
Replacing Tube
Laser Tube from Lightobject for $550 From xyz-tech: [ Replacing Tube PDF] Report: The tube is dead NOW! The laser power supply generates exceedingly high voltage in order to excite the CO2 gas inside the laser tube So please MAKE Good insulating on the Anode. Please note the manual and other clear photos we prepared …
= OUT OF DATE – Page no longer in use = = Laser Cutter Reservation Schedule = Put the date and time you wish to reserve the laser. Right now there’s no limit on how much can be reserved, but if people start hogging it, we’ll come up with some guidelines. == on the schedule …
Time Tracker
= Overview = Teensy, with the following things attached: *Laser input *Text LCD *RFID Reader *TP-Link router Usage flow: #User swipes RFID, #rfid & odometer are both logged to the internets #The server returns if the user is authorized #laser is enabled #During cutting, the time counts up #User swipes RFID #rfid & odometer value …
Time Tracker/old
/* */ // include the library code: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include "EEPROMAnything.h" // Pins for LCD #define PIN_LCD_D7 12 #define PIN_LCD_D6 13 #define PIN_LCD_D5 14 #define PIN_LCD_D4 15 #define PIN_LCD_RS 21 #define PIN_LCD_EN 20 // Input pin from laser cutter mobo #define LASER_PIN 0 // Button connected here will reset the counter #define RESET_PIN …
New Laser Proposal
Proposal Our current laser is starting to fail and will require significant rehab to stay viable – such rehab will require significant down time. We have the opportunity to get a newer version of our laser for approximately 3K in expenses. Asset AMT148 The new laser is 120 watts 1300 x 900 mm bed New …