2014 Maker Faire

[[Image:Maker faire 2014 booth.png]]

Makerfaire 2014 is coming up and we need your awesome projects to display and your awesome bodies to sit behind the tables and evangelize the hackerspace gospel. Please add your projects to the list below so we can ensure we have the right amount of stuff and can arrange proper transportation.

== Schedule

Thursday, May 15 8pm – delivery of projects to AMT that are being brought to M.F.

Friday, May 16 10am – 8pm Setup Maker Exhibit

Friday, May 16 5pm – 8pm Maker Meetup

Saturday, May 17 10am – 8pm Maker Faire – SHOW TIME

Sunday, May 18 10am – 6pm Maker Faire – SHOW TIME

Sunday, May 18 7pm – 9pm Break Down

== Preparation ==

In addition to member projects we will need to bring lots of handouts and our big sign and table cloth. The big sign is under the white board. Q- How will we mount it? Aron can loan a structure, any other ideas? Business cards and postcards have been located and are now in a marked box under shelves next to the pink file server. We might want a handout specifying a date for a focused Open House with snacks, etc.

=== Projects on display ===

So far:

*Asa says he will have a project
*Sergio is bringing his 3D printer Woody or "liquid blending" apparatus–Mezcla
*John B says he is up for bringing Guido and showing how to cut PCB’s
*Aron says he will have a concrete AMT logo made from a laser cut form.

=== Signage ===

The large Epson printer currently (3/4/14) prints well, without streaks or bands. Roll is about 34" wide.

== Booth setup ==

We have a 10′ x 10′ booth, with one 30" x 8′ table.

Load in / setup volunteers:



Steve Sidle

== Working the booth ==

We need at least 2 people working the booth at a time with 4 or 5 being the point where more bodies aren’t needed. We have lots of members so don’t sign up for too much time.


10 Aron, Scott

11 Aron, Scott, Sergio

12 Sergio, Ian

1 Ian 

2  Sergio

3  Sergio

4  Sergio, Ian

5  Aron, Ian

6  Aron, Steve Sidle

7  Steve Sidle


10 Aron

11 Aron

12 Sergio

1  Sergio

2  Sergio

3 Scott

4 Aron, Scott, Sergio

5 Aron, Scott, Sergio

=== Booth take-down ===






[[Category:Maker Faire]]

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