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”’Status:”’ {{#amtasset:AMT018}}
Sander is dead. We’re discussing buying/crowdsourcing.
RIGID Belt Sander
”’Documentation: ”'[[Assorted_hand_tools|Assorted hand tools]] – full manual can be [https://cdn2.ridgid.com/resources/media?key=b1880e8c-c2f7-40fc-a52a-cbc425e8eb92&languageCode=en&countryCode=US&type=document found here].
This is an Oscillating Edge Belt / Spindle Sander – it’s a very simple machine. To operate it, plug in to power outlet, connect vaccuum hose and turn on the large drum vaccuum system, and lift the yellow/red switch up to turn the machine on. The sander will begin spinning and oscillating up and down. For instructions on changing the sander, consult the manual above.
”’Location:”’ Woodshop
”’The full machine:”’
[[File:AMT018 pic1.jpg|300x400px|AMT018 pic1.jpg]]
[[File:AMT018 pic2.jpg|300x400px|AMT018 pic2.jpg]]
”’Location of the QR code on the machine:”’
[[File:AMT018 tag.jpg|400x300px|AMT018 tag.jpg]]